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Researcher profiles:

A significant indicator of prognosis

Expression of the YB-1 protein is a powerful indicator of prognosis in cancers, yet its biological role is unclear. It is known to bind mRNA molecules in the cytoplasm and it controls transcription of RNA to DNA in the nucleus.

Does it have a role in cell stress?

Our group has shown that YB-1 also interacts with the p53 protein which is very important in controlling the way cells deal with stress.  Hence, we are now working to clarify the role of YB-1 in the context of cellular stress responses to determine whether that explains its prognostic significance.

Relevant references

Lasham, A., Print, C. G., Woolley, A. G., Dunn, S. E. & Braithwaite, A. W. YB-1: oncoprotein, prognostic marker and therapeutic target? The Biochemical journal 449, 11-23, doi:10.1042/BJ20121323 (2013).

Lasham, A. et al. YB-1, the E2F pathway, and regulation of tumor cell growth. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 104, 133-146, doi:10.1093/jnci/djr512 (2012).

Cohen, S. B. et al. Genotoxic stress-induced nuclear localization of oncoprotein YB-1 in the absence of proteolytic processing. Oncogene 29, 403-410, doi:10.1038/onc.2009.321 (2010).

Related topics

Role of alternative isoforms of p53 in cancers and inflammation


Cancer Society of New Zealand



Different mutants of YB-1 altering its nuclear localisation:

Microscopic image of YB-1 wild type
Microscopic image of YB-1 mutation one
Microscopic image of YB-1 mutation two
Microscopic image of YB-1 mutation three

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