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Meet the researcher

Andrew Shepherd photoDr Andrew Shepherd is a former Research and Teaching Fellow at the Centre for Theology and Public Issues, University of Otago. He is is the Co-Director of Christian conservation organisation, A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand, and also teaches theology and ethics for a range of NZ and US tertiary institutions.

Recent publications and resources linked to this project are listed below.

Recent work that flows out of this current research project:


  • Shepherd, A. (2019). Being "Rich towards God" in the Capitalocene: An ecological/economic reading of Luke 12.13-34. Bible Translator, 70 (3), 240-260. doi: 10.1177/2051677019882979



  • The Beyond Blame Conference (Conference programme, (PDF))
  • The Rich Living Series – resources designed to assist faith communities to reflect upon how they live and thus make sustainability integral to their lives of faith.
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