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It is quite normal to have heaps of questions when you are looking for your 'home away from home' at Otago and we are eager to hear from you.

All the information you need about how to get in touch with our excellent staff team is here, along with directions on how to find us in Dunedin.

Contact information

Postal address

Cumberland in 1916Cumberland College
University of Otago
PO Box 56
Dunedin 9054

Street address

Cumberland College
250 Castle Street
Dunedin 9016

Phone and email

Tel +64 3 479 5570

Location, location, location

Everything is on your front door step at Cumberland and this makes us the ideal choice if you are looking for quick and easy access to all educational, sporting, and recreational facilities.

  • Only 420 paces (yes, we counted!) from the University Library (less than a 4-minute walk)
  • 620 paces to the Commerce Building (about 6 minutes away)
  • New World is only a 2-minute walk and the Octagon is only 7 minutes from our front door

In fact you can reach almost any University department in a 6- or 7-minute walk, and reach anywhere in the central city in the same time. Movies, shopping, going for coffee are all a must for residents at Cumberland.

Cumby Antics

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