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This page is dedicated to the participants in our study. We want to provide you with news and information about how our study is going, what the next steps for the research and for the Diabetes Exercise Class are.

Outcomes from the study are available on the 'About DCEP' page.

In the news

'Distance travelled for world diabetes day' 15 November 2018, Otago Bulletin Board

'Exercise classes walk/row/cycle from Dunedin to Invercargill' 13 November 2018, Otago Daily Times
See the video here:

'Calling diabetics for 'friendly' exercise' 25 January, 2018 Otago Daily Times

'Exercise programme a positive move' 6 July, 2018 Southland Express

'A community project' 24 March 2018 Southland Express


DCEP celebration events November 2020

Celebrations of the DCEP research project were held in November in both Invercargill and Dunedin. All DCEP research participants, research and support staff and stakeholders were invited to the event. The event was a celebration of the completion of the DCEP research project. This was a chance for everyone who was involved in the projects to meet, share experiences and suggestions, and find out a more about what is next for the project and when we could expect to share final results with them.

We used this as a chance to seek suggestions from the group on how they would like to find out about the findings, and any suggestions about how to better engage and support involvement in research, and suggestions for future community classes.

We were also able to share the video created by our science communication student.

Diabetes Day 2018 Whānau and diabetes (13 November)

Celebrate World Diabetes Day! 2018 Whānau and Diabetes - We made it 345km. The distance between Dunedin and Manapouri.

We bought together all of our community classes for diabetes to see if we could walk/cycle/row between Dunedin and Invercargill.

Whānau were welcome. We wanted to recognise World Diabetes Day 2018 and the importance of family in managing diabetes.

Further information: see the media stories and video above.

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