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Senior Professional Practice Fellow
Department of Oral Rehabilitation
BChD MMedSci(Pret) MDS(Otago)
Research summary
Endodontic microbiology


Tina Hauman is researching the determination of bacterial viability in dentine by fluorescence. A novel technique, using live-dead stain and confocal microscopy, has been developed for ex vivo determination of bacterial infiltration, distribution and viability in dentinal tubules. This technique has been applied to test the efficacy of different disinfection methods on resected root-end cavities and has possible clinical implications for apical surgery.

Another study used this method to detect viable bacteria in the dentinal tubules of teeth from different age groups, showing that younger teeth have a denser bacterial infiltrate near the canal lumen, with a decrease in bacterial load from coronal to apical along the tooth root. These roots were then examined under the scanning electron microscope; dentinal tubules were counted to correlate the bacterial density with dentinal tubule density along the root length and in roots from different age groups. This research is related to patient care and treatment outcome.


Hauman, C. H. J., Broadbent, J. M., Al-Jumaily, H., & Alzarooni, O. (2014). Factors affecting the outcome of non-surgical root canal treatment. Journal of Dental Research, 93(Spec Iss B), 1122. Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Russell, A. A., Chandler, N. P., Hauman, C., Siddiqui, A. Y., & Tompkins, G. R. (2013). The butterfly effect: An investigation of sectioned roots. Journal of Endodontics, 39(2), 208-210. doi: 10.1016/j.joen.2012.09.016 Journal - Research Article

Chandler, N., Kim, Y. A., Herbison, G. P., Hauman, C. H., & Friedlander, L. T. (2012). Crack formation during apicectomy: Operating microscope observations and SEM images. Journal of Dental Research, 91(Spec Iss C), 169312. Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Kim, A. Y. J., Friedlander, L., Herbison, P., Hauman, C., & Chandler, N. P. (2012). The resected root-end: Is what you see, what you get? A naked eye, optical and SEM study. Journal of Endodontics, 38(3), OR 25, (pp. e19). [Abstract] Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Aziz, A., Chandler, N. P., Hauman, C. H. J., Leichter, J. W., McNaughton, A., & Tompkins, G. R. (2012). Infection of apical dentin and root-end cavity disinfection. Journal of Endodontics, 38(10), 1387-1390. doi: 10.1016/j.joen.2012.06.034 Journal - Research Article

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