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Friday 6 December 2019 12:30pm

Edgar Diabetes and Obesity Research Centre members are named on four successful Royal Society Te Apārangi Marsden Fund grants in 2019.

Associate Professor Barbara Galland and EDOR Director Professor Rachael Taylor will lead a team of researchers in a large scale study of sleep loss amongst children. Their aim is to uncover how this may lead to unhealthy eating.

Professor Michael Schultz, Head of the Department of Medicine at the University of Otago, is part of a project to develop a more comprehensive tool for providing point-of-care diagnosis for gastrointestinal diseases, that could lead to faster treatment and better outcomes.

Professor Jeremy Krebs, Endocrinologist and Clinical Leader of Endocrinology and Diabetes at Capital and Coast District Health Board, is involved in a study that uses machine learning to predict the risk of diabetes complications and their costs.

Professor Dave Grattan, former Head of the Department of Anatomy at the University of Otago, is leading a project looking at why males have prolactin - a hormone generally associated with pregnancy and breast-feeding.

The Marsden funded research projects

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