Contact Details
- Phone
- +64 3 474 0999 extn 57297
University Links
- Position
- Clinical Deputy Director, Brain Health Research Centre; Senior Lecturer; Consultant Neurologist and Clinical Lead
- Department
- Department of Medicine (Dunedin)
- Qualifications
- MB ChB(Otago) FRACP MD(RES)(Imperial College London)
- Research summary
- Neurology
- Memberships
Investigator in the Brain Research New Zealand CoRE
Director NZ CJD Registry
I aim to develop translational neuroscience research at Otago, by both developing clinical research and strengthening collaborations with laboratory neuroscientists at Otago. My interests include Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, vestibular disorders and brain imaging.
Current projects include:
- Alzheimer's disease: Developing predictive blood biomarkers. HRC Programme grant led by Prof Abraham, with Prof Knight (Psychology), Prof Skeaff (Nutrition), Prof Tate (Biochemistry), and Dr Joanna Williams (Anatomy).
- Vestibular disease: BMedSc project 2013: Vestibular scwhannoma – monitoring vestibular function, novel versus conventional measures. Collaborators: Darlington, Smith (Pharmacology), and Dawes (ENT).
- Parkinson's disease: Recent summer student projects have involved high frequency eye movement recordings and relation of these to cognition and balance in Parkinson's.
- Augmented reflection technology in neurorehabilitation: Health Sciences Postdoctoral Fellow Dr Simon Hoermann 2013-. Collaborators: Regenbrecht (Information Science), Franz (Psychology), Hale (Physiotherapy).
Research opportunities
Expressions of interest are welcomed for a medically qualified clinical research fellow, for a minimum of one year. Combining clinical and laboratory research is possible.
Brain Health Research Centre
Neurological Foundation of New Zealand
Cutfield, N. J., Scott, G., Waldman, A. D., Sharp, D. J., & Bronstein, A. M. (2014). Visual and proprioceptive interaction in patients with bilateral vestibular loss. NeuroImage: Clinical, 4, 274-282. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2013.12.013 Journal - Research Article
Cousins, S., Kaski, D., Cutfield, N., Seemungal, B., Golding, J. F., Gresty, M., … Bronstein, A. M. (2013). Vestibular perception following acute unilateral vestibular lesions. PLoS ONE, 8(5), e61862. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0061862 Journal - Research Article
Williams, J. M., Guévremont, D., Tsui, H., Logan, B., Knight, R., Abraham, W. C., Tate, W. P., & Cutfield, N. (2013). Altered expression of plasma microRNA in sporadic Alzheimer's disease. In B. Leitch & J. Shemmell (Eds.), Proceedings of the 31st International Australasian Winter Conference on Brain Research. 31, (pp. 70). AWCBR. Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Cutfield, N. J., Cousins, S., Seemungal, B. M., Gresty, M. A., & Bronstein, A. M. (2011). Vestibular perceptual thresholds to angular rotation in acute unilateral vestibular paresis and with galvanic stimulation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1233, 256-262. doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2011.06159.x Journal - Research Article
Cutfield, N. J., Seemungal, B. M., Millington, H., & Bronstein, A. M. (2011). Diagnosis of acute vertigo in the emergency department [Letter]. Emergency Medicine Journal, 28(6), 538-539. doi: 10.1136/emj.2010.105874 Journal - Research Other