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+64 3 474 0999
Department of Women's and Children's Health (Dunedin)
PhD BSc(Hons) NZCS
Research summary
Paediatric sleep health, sleep measurement, sleep disordered breathing, sleep and obesity
  • NEUR301 Current topics in neuroscience
  • NEUR455 Sleep
  • ELM2 Case tutor


  • Sleep related breathing disorders
  • Sleep and academic outcomes
  • Sleep development and measurement
  • The role of sleep in obesity
  • Sleep and Type 1 Diabetes
  • Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy

Barbara Galland heads the paediatric sleep research group within the Department of Women’s & Children’s Health. She has published more than 100 scientific research and review articles, mainly in the field of child sleep health within a multi-disciplinary programme of research that investigates the role of sleep and sleep disturbance in a range of health outcomes. More specifically, her research interests include studying the effects of sleep and breathing disorders in children and adolescents on behaviour, cognition and academic performance.

Other research focuses on the role that sleep plays in overweight and obesity, sleep related disturbances in children with Type 1 diabetes, and the biological mechanisms underpinning Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy. Studies of sleep disordered breathing and sleep measurement have contributed to many international collaborative research projects. She currently co-chairs the Paediatric Council of the Australasian Sleep Association and is on the editorial board of Sleep Medicine Reviews and Behavioral Sleep Medicine.


Haszard, J. J., Jackson, R., Morrison, S., Meredith-Jones, K. A., Galland, B. C., Beebe, D. W., Elder, D. E., & Taylor, R. W. (2024). Losing sleep influences dietary intake in children: A longitudinal compositional analysis of a randomised crossover trial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity, 21(1), 61. doi: 10.1186/s12966-024-01607-5 Journal - Research Article

Brosnan, B. J., Wickham, S., Meredith-Jones, K. A., Haszard, J. J., Galland, B. C., Russell Camp, T., & Taylor, R. W. (2024). Streaming or dreaming? A repeated measures study examining how objectively measured screen use influences sleep in young adolescents. Obesity Facts, 17(Suppl. 1), (pp. 221). doi: 10.1159/000538577 Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Meredith-Jones, K. A., Haszard, J. J., Graham-DeMello, A., Campbell, A., Stewart, T., Galland, B. C., Cox, A., Kennedy, G., … Taylor, R. W. (2024). Validation of actigraphy sleep metrics in children aged 8 to 16 years: Considerations for device type, placement and algorithms. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity, 21, 40. doi: 10.1186/s12966-024-01590-x Journal - Research Article

Boucsein, A., Zhou, Y., Haszard, J. J., Jefferies, C. A., Wiltshire, E. J., Styles, S. E., … Galland, B. C., … de Bock, M. I., & Wheeler, B. J. (2024). Protocol for a prospective, multicenter, parallel-group, open-label randomized controlled trial comparing standard care with Closed lOoP In chiLdren and yOuth with Type 1 diabetes and high-risk glycemic control: The CO-PILOT trial. Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s40200-024-01397-4 Journal - Research Other

Beanland, V., Ritchie, C., Ousset, C., Galland, B. C., & Schaughency, E. A. (2024). Distracted and unfocused driving in supervised and unsupervised teen drivers: Associations with sleep, inattention, and cognitive disengagement syndrome symptoms. Transportation Research Part F, 100, 169-180. doi: 10.1016/j.trf.2023.11.013 Journal - Research Article

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