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In 2017 Professor Barry Taylor, Dr David Reith, and Dr Gloria Dainty (PhD Candidate) began the Kids BMI study.

Families of children who were identified as having a BMI above the healthy range during their B4 School Checks may have been given information on intervention programmes. The Kids BMI study aims to evaluate these programmes to see if people are attending and, if so, whether they are demonstrating improvements in BMI and quality of life.

Letters have been sent to over 800 families. The study has employed six Assistant Research Fellows to see the children, who are located around the South Island.

Key staff

Professor Barry Taylor Primary Investigator

Barry Taylor

Professor Barry Taylor is Dr Gloria Dainty's primary PhD supervisor and is responsible for overseeing the entire Kids BMI project.

Associate Professor David Reith Associate Investigator

David Reith

Associate Professor David Reith is Dr Gloria Dainty's PhD co-supervisor and is responsible for overseeing the entire Kids BMI project.

Dr Gloria Dainty PhD Candidate

Gloria Dainty

Gloria Dainty's work on the Kids BMI study will be a valuable part of her PhD. Gloria will be involved in on the ground running of the project, conducting the mailouts, and collating all the data as it comes in.


Sara Boucher Research Co-ordinator and Assistant Research Fellow Dunedin and Central Otago

Sara Boucher

Sara Boucher will be co-ordinating the project in Dunedin. All the Assistant Research Fellows will report to Sara, who is responsible for arranging interviews with interested participants and solving any issues that arise.

Sara will also be responsible for data collection in the Dunedin and Central Otago areas.


Louise Fangupo Assistant Research Fellow South Canterbury

Louise Fangupo

Louise is a New Zealand Registered Dietician, currently working part-time in a clinical role at Oamaru Hospital. Louise came onto the study because of her interest in research, having completed her MSc degree on the Baby-Led Introduction of SolidS (BLISS) study at the University of Otago in 2016.

Marie Shepherd Assistant Research Fellow Nelson

Marie Shepherd

Marie Shepherd's background is as a Registered Nurse, midwife, and for the last 20 years prior to returning to NZ, a child and family health nurse in the community in Tasmania. Marie's qualitative research studied home visiting by child health nurses and her PhD (awarded in 2014) studied the interactions between child health nurses and low-income mothers, particularly the exercise of power.

Gina Gladwin Assistant Research Fellow Christchurch

Gina Gladwin

Gina comes to the project with an interest in health and nutrition alongside experience working with children. Gina completed her Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition and a Postgraduate Diploma of Public Health (endorsed in Health Promotion) through the University of Otago.

Kathleen Gavigan Assistant Research Fellow West Coast

Kathleen Gavigan

Kathleen has a background in health social work and health service management. Her interest is in primary and community health and the development of community-based health and social services. Her PhD focused on Occupational Health and Safety.

Victoria Morton Assistant Research Fellow Invercargill

Victoria Morton

Victoria is an Enrolled Nurse and Bachelor of Nursing student. She specialises in children's health and intellectual disabilities.

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