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What is Ecology?

Ecology is the study of animals and plants in relation to their environment and with each other.

Ecology as a field tends to attract people who are attracted to complex thinking - people who are able to multitask,work across scales and in a non-linear fashion.

What do Ecologists do?

Ecologists seek to understand where organisms are found, how many occur there, and why.

Practical applications of ecology include conservation biology, natural resource management (fisheries, agriculture, forestry), city planning, economics and human social interaction (human ecology).

Ecology at Otago

Ecology at Otago is a multidisciplinary subject taught by scientists based in the Departments of Botany, Marine Science, Zoology, Philosophy, and Microbiology and Immunology.

Ecology at Otago is a highly flexible course allowing students to specialise in areas that suit their interests and career aspirations.

Available as a Major for

Bachelor of Science (BSc)

Bachelor of Science with Honours (BSc(Hons))

Further study options

Postgraduate Diploma in Science (PGDipSci) in Ecology

Master of Science (MSc) in Ecology

Where can Ecology take you?

Revived interest in environmental and ecological issues has created a need for scientifically trained ecologists.

Graduates specialising in ecology are employed by a wide variety of government departments, agencies and organisations, including the Department of Conservation (DOC), in private industry as environmental officers, or in the expanding area of environmental impact assessment.

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