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Study support
2025 Fees

There's something special about being the oldest. And in a city known for its many firsts – the first university, medical and dental school – we take pride in being the country's first university college. We honour our rich heritage and traditions at Selwyn – we embrace returning members, remain connected with our alumni, our Selwyn Ballet is the oldest amateur all-male ballet troupe in the world, and we continue to take on Knox College every year in sporting and cultural competitions.

But make no mistake – we offer everything you need as a twenty-first century student. Our heritage buildings and grounds, located on campus, house superb learning and social facilities, including a study centre, music room and common rooms. We also have a tennis court and a squash court.

Selwyn College tour


What you will pay
2025 Fees
Entry Fees
  • Selwyn
  • Selwyn
  • Selwyn
  • Selwyn
  • Selwyn
  • Selwyn
  • Selwyn


Sagato (Ziggy) Lesa
Selwyn College | 560 Castle Street
Dunedin 9016
Tel +64 3 477 3326

Find out more: Selwyn College website

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