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Jerram Bateman

Doctor of Philosophy – PhD
Topic: Rural Livelihoods in Sierra Leone: Longitudinal Insights from Panguma and Kayima
Advisors: Tony Binns, Etienne Nel

Jessie Loft

Master of Science – MSc
Topic: The Influence of Water Scarcity and Drought in the Lindis River, Central Otago
Supervisors: Sarah Mager, Daniel Kingston

Julia Moloney

Master of Science – MSc
Topic: Quantifying Morphologic Changes of a Coastal Foredune Using a Low-cost Remotely Piloted Aerial System (RPAS)
Supervisors: Mike Hilton, Pascal Sirguey (Marine Science)

Nathaniel Christensen

Master of Arts – MA
Topic: The Sharp Edge of Precarity: A framework of multiple precarities and homelessness in Aotearoa New Zealand
Supervisor: Sophie Bond

Conrad Anderson

Master of Planning – MPlan
Topic: Dunedin's Post Industrial Response
Supervisor: Etienne Nel

Mayce Ballantyne

Master of Planning – MPlan
Topic: An Exploration of Best Practice in Green Space Provision for Aged Residential Care Facilities
Supervisor: Claire Freeman

Dan Benny

Master of Planning – MPlan
Collaborative Freshwater Management in the Hurunui-Waiau Zone, North Canterbury: progress of the Canterbury Water Management Strategy (CWMS)
Supervisor: Tony Binns

Louis Brown

Master of Planning – MPlan
Topic: A House as Medicine for the Planet: The living building challenge and planning in New Zealand
Supervisor: Claire Freeman

Logan Copland

Master of Planning – MPlan
Topic: Working Towards a Public Bus Policy to Increase Public Transport to Schools and Physical Activity Rates among Adolescents in Dunedin
Supervisors: Christina Ergler

Morgan Fallowfield

Master of Planning – MPlan
Topic: Freshwater Management: state of water quality and options for management in the Waipahi Catchment
Supervisor: Ros Day-Cleavin

Oliver Hermans

Master of Planning – MPlan
Topic: Flood Management in New Zealand: exploring management and practice in Otago and the Manawatu
Supervisor: Michelle Thompson-Fawcett, Sean Fitzsimons

Mathew Husband

Master of Planning – MPlan
Topic: Investigating Small Town Shrinkage in the Clutha District of New Zealand and the Local Response
Supervisor: Etienne Nel

Thejas Jagannath

Master of Planning – MPlan
Topic: People's Interaction with Public Art in Public Spaces within New Zealand
Supervisor: Claire Freeman

Alexandra Kitson

Master of Planning – MPlan
Topic: Indigenous Representation in New Patterns of Urban Development: a Ngåi Tahu case study
Supervisor: Michelle Thompson-Fawcett

Eseta Maka

Master of Planning – MPlan
Topic: Evaluating the Tamaki Regeneration Project in Relation to State Housing
Supervisor: Etienne Nel

Emily McEwan

Master of Planning – MPlan
Topic: The National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity: an effective tool to improve housing affordability in New Zealand?
Supervisor: Ros Day-Cleavin

Maxwell Pocock

Master of Planning – MPlan
Topic: The Effects and Efficacy of Large Scale Motorway Development: a case study of Wellington, New Zealand
Supervisor: Ros Day-Cleavin

Olivia Steven

Master of Planning – MPlan
Topic: Dunedin's Urban Ecological Network
Supervisor: Claire Freeman

Sarah White

Master of Planning – MPlan
Topic: An Exploration of Accessibility Considerations in the Redevelopment of the University of Otago Campus
Supervisor: Claire Freeman

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