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64 3 479 4019
Research Fellow / Data Manager / Programmer
Department of Preventive and Social Medicine
Research summary
Data science and geospatial modelling


I have a keen interest in all things data related, including data capture, processing, process optimisation and automation, database management systems and data warehouses, and machine learning.

I also perform geographical operations on data, such as geocoding, geospatial modelling, and mapping. Typical daily tasks include ad-hoc descriptive statistics, preparing data for further analysis, linking datasets, preparing and running online surveys, automating repetitive processes, and generally finding better ways to solve data problems and keep projects running smoothly.


Saha, S., Davie, G., de Graaf, B., Miller, M., Ussher, J., van Binnendijk, R., & McIntyre, P. (2024). Measles antibody responses in tertiary students to third dose of measles-mumps-rubella vaccine. Proceedings of the Communicable Diseases & Immunisation Conference: Protecting Communities: Empowering Health through Disease Control and Immunisation. 363. Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Saha, S., Davie, G., de Graaf, B., Miller, M., Ussher, J., van Binnendijk, R., & McIntyre, P. (2024). Accuracy of thresholds for measles seroprotection in immunized young adults. Proceedings of the Communicable Diseases & Immunisation Conference: Protecting Communities: Empowering Health through Disease Control and Immunisation. 361. Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Miller, R., Davie, G., Crengle, S., Whitehead, J., De Graaf, B., & Nixon, G. (2024). Avoiding double counting: the effect of bundling hospital events in administrative datasets for the interpretation of rural-urban differences in Aotearoa New Zealand. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2024.111400 Journal - Research Article

Nixon, G., Davie, G., Whitehead, J., Miller, R., de Graaf, B., Liepins, T., Lawrenson, R., & Crengle, S. (2024). Rural-urban variation in the utilisation of publicly funded healthcare services: An age-stratified population-level observational study. New Zealand Medical Journal/Te ara tika o te hauora hapori, 137(1590), 33-47. Retrieved from Journal - Research Article

Liepins, T., Davie, G., Miller, R., Whitehead, J., De Graaf, B., Clay, L., Crengle, S., & Nixon, G. (2024). Rural-urban variation in COVID-19 vaccination uptake in Aotearoa New Zealand: Examining the national roll-out. Epidemiology & Infection, 152, e7. doi: 10.1017/s0950268823001978 Journal - Research Article

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