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+64 3 479 8338
Senior Lecturer/ Clinical Epidemiologist
Department of Women's and Children's Health (Dunedin)
Research summary
Children’s health


Mavis Duncanson is a public health physician with interest and experience in child population health. In her current position as clinical epidemiologist with the New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service (NZCYES) she contributes to the provision of up to date and accurate information of the health of children and young people to each district health board in New Zealand as well as to the Ministry of Health. In collaboration between NZCYES and other organisations. Mavis also contributes to the annual Child Poverty Monitor. She has worked previously in the Office of the Children’s Commissioner providing evidence-based policy advice on issues of health and well-being, and while living in Sydney contributed to analysis of data for the New South Wales Child Death Review and facilitated consultation on a child injury prevention strategy for New South Wales.


Duncanson, M., Adams, J., Tustin, K., van Asten, H., Roy, M., Oben, G., McAnally, H., & Wicken, A. (2023). Children and young people with chronic health conditions in Aotearoa 2022. Commissioned by Ministry of Health, Paediatric Society of New Zealand, and district health boards. Dunedin, New Zealand: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago. 149p. Retrieved from Commissioned Report for External Body

Duncanson, M., Adams, J., Tustin, K., van Asten, H., Roy, M., Oben, G., McAnally, H., & Wicken, A. (2023). Children and young people with chronic health conditions in the Northern region 2022. Commissioned by Ministry of Health, Paediatric Society of New Zealand, and district health boards. Dunedin, New Zealand: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago. 155p. Retrieved from Commissioned Report for External Body

Duncanson, M., Adams, J., Tustin, K., van Asten, H., Roy, M., Oben, G., McAnally, H., & Wicken, A. (2023). Children and young people with chronic health conditions in the Midland region 2022. Commissioned by Ministry of Health, Paediatric Society of New Zealand, and district health boards. Dunedin, New Zealand: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago. 155p. Retrieved from Commissioned Report for External Body

Duncanson, M., Adams, J., Tustin, K., van Asten, H., Roy, M., Oben, G., McAnally, H., & Wicken, A. (2023). Children and young people with chronic health conditions in MidCentral and Whanganui 2022. Commissioned by Ministry of Health, Paediatric Society of New Zealand, and district health boards. Dunedin, New Zealand: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago. 149p. Retrieved from Commissioned Report for External Body

Duncanson, M., Adams, J., Tustin, K., van Asten, H., Roy, M., Oben, G., McAnally, H., & Wicken, A. (2023). Children and young people with chronic health conditions in Hutt Valley and Wairarapa 2022. Commissioned by Ministry of Health, Paediatric Society of New Zealand, and district health boards. Dunedin, New Zealand: New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service, University of Otago. 149p. Retrieved from Commissioned Report for External Body

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