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Contact Details

+64 4 389 4807
Department of Public Health (Wellington)
LLB, BA (Hons), MA (Dist, Translation), PGDipArts, PGCert PH (endorsed in health systems)


Johanna teaches postgraduate papers in PUBH 738 Global Health Law and Ethics and PUBH 742 Global and International Health Systems. She also teaches health systems to fourth year medical students, and convenes an Introduction to the New Zealand Health System as part of the Department of Public Health’s annual summer school.

Johanna works freelance in the health sector, and has experience working for the WHO, for a range of institutions in the New Zealand Health System. She trained as a lawyer and has worked in various roles in service contracting, planning, evaluation and programme management in DHBs.

Johanna enjoys working in public health because it allows her to combine her various interests in language, cultures, law and governance under one disciplinary umbrella.

Research interests include:

  • Governance at the systems interface between primary care and public health
  • Research methodologies, evidence and evaluation for innovations in primary health care
  • Prioritisation of health systems and resouces
  • The impact of school uniform design and policy and health and educational outcomes


Reidy, J., Matheson, D., Keenan, R., & Crampton, P. (2023). The ownership elephant is becoming a mammoth: A policy focus on ownership is needed to transform Aotearoa New Zealand's health system. New Zealand Medical Journal/Te ara tika o te hauora hapori, 136(1576), 74-81. Retrieved from Journal - Research Other

Reidy, J. (2023). The cost of school uniforms is a barrier to education: But there are ways to level the playing field. The Conversation. Retrieved from Journal - Research Other

Matheson, D., Reidy, J., & Keenan, R. (2022). Bringing primary health and community care in from the cold in the New Zealand health reforms? Tracing reform recommendations to budgets and structures. Journal of Primary Health Care, 14(3), 194-196. doi: 10.1071/HC22077 Journal - Research Other

Reidy, J., Matheson, D., & Vaithianathan, R. (2022). Why the budget should treat public health like transport: Vital infrastructure with long-term economic benefits. The Conversation. Retrieved from Journal - Research Other

Reidy, J. (2022). Once a form of 'social camouflage', school uniforms have become impractical and unfair: Why it's time for a makeover. The Conversation. Retrieved from Journal - Research Other

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