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Contact Details

64 3 479 5408
Senior Lecturer
Department of General Practice and Rural Health (Dunedin)
BSc(Med) MBBS(Sydney) PhD(Otago) FRNZCGP BA(Otago)
Research summary
Medical Humanities, Ethics, and Clinical Reasoning


Selected publications

SC Rennie, A. Van Rij, KH Hall, J. C. Theis. (2009). Generating a model to explore decision making in an acute surgical setting. ANZ Journal of Surgery May 2009; 79: 1225

KH Hall. (1994). Decision-making in intensive care – a reply to Sundstrom. Health Care Analysis Nov 1994; 2(4): 336-338


Chung, D. W. K., Hall, K. H., Nie, J.-B., & Jaye, C. (2022). "There is a huge need, and it's growing endlessly": Perspectives of mental health service providers to ethnic Chinese in Aotearoa New Zealand. New Zealand Medical Journal, 135(1556), 62-72. Retrieved from Journal - Research Article

Hall, K., & Chae, A. (2022). Identifying threshold concepts in postgraduate general practice training: A focus group, qualitative study. BMJ Open, 12, e060442. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-060442 Journal - Research Article

Hall, K. H. (2022). Commentary on an excerpt from the Catoptrum Microcosmicum. Academic Medicine, 97(9), 1321. doi: 10.1097/acm.0000000000004486 Journal - Research Other

Hall, K. (2020). Demetrius Poliorcetes: Did he suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder? In D. Osland (Ed.), Proceedings of the 41st Australasian Society for Classical Studies (ASCS) Annual Conference. (pp. 38). Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Hall, K. (2018). Did Alexander the Great die from Guillain-Barré syndrome? Ancient History Bulletin, 32(3-4), 106-128. Retrieved from Journal - Research Article

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