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+64 4 918 5811
Research Associate Professor
Department of Public Health (Wellington)
Research summary
Māori health


Dr Paula King is a Māori public health physician and a Research Associate Professor at the University of Otago in Wellington. She is interested in Māori health and health inequities.


Harris, R., Li, C., Stanley, J., King, P. T., Priest, N., Curtis, E., … Paine, S.-J. (2024). Racism and health among Aotearoa New Zealand young people aged 15–24 years: Analysis of multiple national surveys. Journal of Adolescent Health. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2024.04.021 Journal - Research Article

Jones, B., King, P. T., Baker, G., Nikora, L. W., Hickey, H., Perry, M., … Ingham, T. R. (2024). Karanga rua, karanga maha: Māori with lived experience of disability self-determining their own identities. Kōtuitui, 19(1), 45-64. doi: 10.1080/1177083X.2023.2224422 Journal - Research Article

Ingham, T., Jones, B., King, P. T., Smiler, K., Tuteao, H., Baker, G., & Hickey, H. (2024). Decolonising disability: Indigenous Māori perspectives of disability research in the modern era. In M. H. Rioux, A. Buettgen, E. Zubrow & J. Viera (Eds.), Handbook of disability: Critical thought and social change in a globalizing world. (1st ed.) (pp. 379-400). Singapore: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-981-19-6056-7_68 Chapter in Book - Research

Paki Paki, N., King, P. T., Lewis, L., Walker, S., Te Urukaiata Mackay, H., Anderson, D., … Kemp, S. P. (2023). Identifying key dimensions of indigenous led child welfare services: A qualitative literature review. Child & Family Social Work. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/cfs.13100 Journal - Research Article

Ingham, T. R., Jones, B., Perry, M., von Randow, M., Milne, B., King, P. T., … Te Ao Mārama Study Group. (2023). Measuring Māori health, wellbeing, and disability in Aotearoa using a web-based survey methodology. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 20, 6797. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20186797 Journal - Research Article

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