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+64 3 364 1790
Research Fellow
Department of Medicine (Christchurch)
PhD (Pathology)
Research summary
Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders
Treasurer of the New Zealand Society of Gastroenterology


With a master's in Nutrition Science and a PhD in Pathology, Simone is highly interested in the complex field of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders, specifically Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Functional Constipation (FC), and Functional Diarrhoea (FD).

She has conducted a large clinical trial on the effect of two SunGold® kiwifruit on gastrointestinal comfort and aims to analyse mRNA from colon biopsies to detect differences between FD, FC, and IBS. Furthermore, she is collaborating with Nicolas Talley from the University of Newcastle, Australia, to detect differences between these disorders through histology.


Ng, H. M., Maggo, J., Wall, C., Bayer, S., Roy, N. C., & Gearry, R. (2023). Dietary fibre intakes of two cohorts of New Zealand adults with and without constipation. Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Meeting of the New Zealand and Australian Nutrition Societies: Nutrition and Wellbeing in Oceania. (pp. 109). Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Roy, N. C., Bayer, S., Maggo, J., Ng, H. M., Wall, C., Carco, C., … Gearry, R. B. (2023, August). Dietary interventions, digestive physiology, and microbiome modulation. Verbal presentation at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Microbiomes Satellite, Queenstown, New Zealand. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs

Ombasa, L., Miller, J. C., Ware, L., Abbotts-Holmes, H., Gearry, R. B., Bayer, S. B., Schultz, M., … Highton, A. J., Costello, R. M., Frampton, C. M. A., … Houghton, L. A., & Roy, N. C. (2023, August). Study of mānuka honey for digestive health (SOOTHE). Verbal presentation at the Kai mō Aotearoa Food Science Meeting [Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Satellite], Queenstown, New Zealand. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs

Silk, E. T., Bayer, S. B., Roy, N. C., Taylor, M. W., Foster, M., Vatanen, T., & Gearry, R. B. (2023, August). Diet and disparities in shaping Indigenous microbiomes: The unexplored Māori gut microbiome. Verbal presentation at the Queenstown Molecular Biology (QMB) Microbiomes Satellite, Queenstown, New Zealand. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs

Bayer, S. (2023). Clinical research network for human nutrition and digestive health. Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute of Food Science & Technology (NZIFST) Conference: Food in a Changing World. (pp. 30). Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

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