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Emeritus Professor
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Musculoskeletal Medicine (Christchurch)
ChM (Otago) FRACS
Research summary
Orthopaedic Surgery


Alastair qualified as an orthopaedic surgeon in 1973, and developed expertise in surgery for rheumatoid arthritis and hand and upper limb disorders, especially surgical restoration of upper limb and hand function for tetraplegia, for which he has gained international recognitiion. As a result he has been a Visiting Professor or guest speaker at many national and international Conferences. In 2006 he was made an Officer of the NZ Order of Merit for services to orthopaedic surgery.

Research interests include:
The New Zealand Joint Registry
Rheumatoid arthritis
Upper Limb surgery for tetraplegics


Dunn, J. A., McNaughton, Q. K. M., Beadel, G. P., Simcock, J. W., Mohammed, K. D., & Rothwell, A. G. (2018). Accelerating rehabilitation times following deltoid-triceps surgery. Proceedings of the Tetrahand World Congress: Adding Quality to Life. (pp. 26). Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Snell, D. L., Hipango, J., Sinnott, K. A., Dunn, J. A., Rothwell, A., Hsieh, C. J., … Hooper, G. (2018). Rehabilitation after total joint replacement: A scoping study. Disability & Rehabilitation, 40(14), 1718-1731. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2017.1300947 Journal - Research Article

Hooper, G., Henley, E., Rothwell, A., & Frampton, C. (2017, October). Revision patterns for total hip and knee replacement over the first 15 years of the New Zealand Joint Registry. Poster session presented at the New Zealand Orthopaedic Association (NZOA) Annual Scientific Meeting, Auckland, New Zealand. Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)

Stamp, L. K., Haslett, J., Chapman, P., O'Donnell, J., Raja, R., Rothwell, A., Frampton, C., & Hooper, G. (2017). Rates of joint replacement surgery in New Zealand, 1999-2015: A comparison of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Journal of Rheumatology, 44(12), 1823-1827. doi: 10.3899/jrheum.170551 Journal - Research Article

Snell, D., Sinnott, A., Dunn, J., Hsieh, J., Rothwell, A., DeJong, G., & Hooper, G. (2017). Rehabilitation after joint replacement in New Zealand: A national survey [Plenary]. Proceedings of the New Zealand Rehabilitation Conference: Making an Impact: Putting Knowledge to Work in Rehabilitation. Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

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