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University of Otago staff can search the Health Sciences Publications Database for books, chapters, reviews, conference contributions, creative works, journal articles, and theses.

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Contributions to the Health Sciences Publications Database

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The Research Outputs (Publications) Office
Research and Enterprise
Centre for Innovation

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The University of Otago makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on its web pages. However, the matters covered, including the format of publications, are subject to regular review and no warranty or representation can be provided regarding the accuracy of such information. The University does not accept liability for any losses or damage arising directly or indirectly from reliance on the information.

If you discover any information that you believe to be incorrect, please contact the Research Outputs (Publications) Office:


Photo of volumes of the New Zealand Dental Journal of the period of the 1940s
NZ Dental Journals from the 1940s.

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