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Gemma Dickson

Thesis title: Microbial marine decomposition of human and animal remains
Primary Supervisor: Associate Professor Russell Poulter

Please email the Department of Biochemistry at for more information on Gemma's work.

Simon Jackson

Thesis title: Structure and function of the extrinsic lipoproteins of Photosystem II in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
Primary Supervisor: Associate Professor Julian Eaton-Rye

Please email the Department of Biochemistry at for more information on Simon's work.

Matthew McNeil

Thesis Title: Characterisation of the conserved hypothetical proteins SdhE and YgfX in Serratia 39006
Primary Supervisor: Dr Peter Fineran

Please email the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at for more information on Matthew's work.

Paul Ronaldson

Thesis title: Quantitative soft-tissue imaging by spectral CT with Medipix3
Primary Supervisor: Dr Anthony Butler

Please email the Department of Radiology at for more information on Paul's work.

Brie Sorrenson

Thesis title: Functional characterisation of ABCA1 variation
Primary Supervisor: Associate Professor Sally McCormick

Please email the Department of Biochemistry at for more information on Brie's work.

Nicky Thomas

Thesis title: Supersaturated self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery systems (super-SNEDDS)
Primary Supervisor: Professor Thomas Rades

Please email the School of Pharmacy at for more information on Nicky's work.

Simon Walker

Thesis Title: Rough ground: Ethics, ontology, and suffering
Primary Supervisor: Dr Neil Pickering

Please email the Bioethics Centre at for more information on Simon's work.

Joanna Young

Thesis Title: Metabolic regulation of endothelial dysfunction and cardiovascular risk
Primary Supervisor: Professor Russell Scott

Please email the Department of Medicine, University of Otago Christchurch at for more information on Joanna's work.

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