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A postgraduate research opportunity at the University of Otago.


Close date
Tuesday, 4 December 2018
Academic background
Sciences, Health Sciences
Host campus
Master's, Honours
Paediatrics and Child Health (Wellington)
Dr Thorsten Stanley


The Department of Paediatrics and Child Health is research active in a number of different aspects of child health and disease.

We have opportunities for postgraduate research that would suit students from a number of disciplines – particularly basic science, health sciences and psychology.

Dr Thorsten Stanley

Dr Stanley's research has focused on the areas of allergy and infectious disease and he has increasingly been involved in collaborations with the Department of Medicine and in particular WARG (Wellington Asthma Research Group) and Public Health. Recent research has looked at the role of probiotics in preventing infant eczema and atopy, Vitamin D in bronchiolitis, dampness and fungal spores in childhood wheeze, gut permeability in eczema, the use of exhaled nitric oxide in assessing asthma control and effectiveness of allergen desensitisation.


Dr Thorsten Stanley

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