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A postgraduate research opportunity at the University of Otago.


Close date
Tuesday, 22 June 2021
Academic background
Humanities, Health Sciences
Host campus
Psychological Medicine (Wellington)


We are looking for a suitable master's candidate interested in conducting research to understand suicide amongst Māori based on coronial data. This research will be funded by the Suicide and Mental Health Research Group. The scholarship will cover NZ$17,000 stipend full time for one year, plus fees.

We would especially encourage an interest in the following priority areas of suicide research:

  • Youth
  • Gender and suicide
  • Specific occupational groups and suicide
  • Sociological autopsies

Our ideal candidate will:

  • Have excellent grades in any of the following disciplines: Māori studies, psychology, criminology, social sciences, health sciences, nursing, or related discipline
  • Be enthusiastic, self-directed, and passionate about research

To put forward an expression of interest you will need to provide us with the following:

  • A cover letter that explains your interest in this area and what you could contribute to research in suicide and mental health from a Kaupapa Māori or Māori-centred perspective
  • Your CV
  • Your academic transcript
  • A sample of your writing
  • The names and contact details of two referees (at least one academic or research related)

The work will be based in the Suicide and Mental Health Research Group at the University of Otago, Wellington, New Zealand, with supervisors to be decided.

Visit here for more information about the research group


Dr Gabrielle Jenkin
Tel +64 21 257 8040

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