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WellingtonCampusLocated within close proximity to the regional hospital, the University of Otago, Wellington campus is part of the Health Sciences Division. The Wellington campus teaches undergraduate medicine, radiation therapy, postgraduate qualifications and papers, as well as undertaking a wide variety of health based research.

The Wellington campus has a strong research ethic in a number of areas, including biomedical, clinical and public health.

The campus's Māori health research unit, Te Ropu Rangahau Hauora A Eru Pōmare, is a national leader in its field. The relationship the research unit has with local iwi groups provides a strong foundation for building the indigenous component of the curriculum.

Find out more about the Wellington campus

Excellent research and learning facilities

The campus has extensive student support and learning facilities on site. It has recently built new award-winning facilities, including a medical library, teaching rooms and a computer facility.

Find out more about services at the Wellington campus
Visit the University of Otago Wellington library website

Key contacts

Wellington Campus

64 4 385 5541

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