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Once you receive your Offer of Place, you must complete important enrolment steps before arriving on campus.

Complete your enrolment for studying on campus

Key international application dates

The main international student application period is 1 May–15 November, for studies commencing in semester 1 (February).

International student applications can be submitted from 1 May–30 April for studies commencing the following semester 2 (July).

Note: Some programmes have different application periods (e.g. programmes in teaching, oral health, dental technology, postgraduate dentistry, postgraduate nursing). PhD and thesis-only Masters' applications can be submitted year-round, with support from a supervisor.

Key dates leading to semester 1 2025

1 May 2024 Application round opens for studies commencing in 2025 (semester 1 or semester 2)
1 July 2024 Applications open for undergraduate entrance scholarships (for domestic and onshore international students in a New Zealand high school)
1 August 2024 Applications open for residential college places (suitable for first-year undergraduate full degree students and Pathway students)
1 August 2024 Applications open for UniFlats accommodation (suitable for exchange, Study Abroad, postgraduate and some other groups of students)
15 August 2024 Deadline for onshore international students to apply for Otago entrance scholarships
30 September 2024 Deadline for onshore international students to apply for residential colleges
15 November 2024 Deadline for offshore international students to submit an application for full degree studies commencing in semester 1, 2025
1 December 2024 Deadline for Study Abroad applications
1 December 2024 Deadline for offshore international students to apply for Residential Colleges or UniFlats accommodation
10 December 2024 Deadline for onshore international students to apply for studies commencing in semester 1, 2025
6 January 2025 UniFlats contract start date for semester 1 (possible to move in from this date)
15–16 February 2025 Residential colleges “move-in weekend”
16 February 2025 Recommended last day to arrive on campus for new international students studying in semester 1
17–21 February 2025 Orientation Week – compulsory international orientation and enrolment seminars
21 February 2025 Preliminary lectures
24 February 2025 Semester 1, 2025 – formal lectures begin

Key dates leading to semester 2 2025

1 May 2024 Application round opened for studies commencing in 2025 (semester 1 or semester 2)
30 April 2025 Deadline for international applications commencing in semester 2, 2025
6 July 2025 Recommended last day to arrive on campus for new international students starting in semester 2, 2025
7–11 July 2025 Orientation Week – compulsory international orientation and enrolment seminars
14 July 2025 Semester 2, 2025 – formal classes begin
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