Willis, E. (2023). Competition law reimagined? Competition studies in New Zealand. New Zealand Law Review, (2), 191-212.
Journal - Research Article
Burton Crawford, L., Blayden, L., Meagher, D., Wilberg, H., & Willis, E. (2023, July). Protecting rights through statutory interpretation: Perspectives from the antipodes. Verbal presentation at the ICON·S Conference: Islands and Ocean: Public Law in a Plural World, Wellington, New Zealand.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Willis, E. (2023). Judging the minimum voting age. New Zealand Law Journal, (1), 17-19.
Journal - Research Article
Willis, E., & Wilberg, H. (2022). Introduction. In S. Bookman, E. Willis, H. Wilberg & M. Harris (Eds.), Pragmatism, principle, and power in common law constitutional systems: Essays in honour of Bruce Harris. (pp. 1-10). Cambridge, UK: Intersentia. doi: 10.1017/9781839702709.003
Chapter in Book - Research
Willis, E. (2022). Constitutional pragmatism and 'third source' executive authority. In S. Bookman, E. Willis, H. Wilberg & M. Harris (Eds.), Pragmatism, principle, and power in common law constitutional systems: Essays in honour of Bruce Harris. (pp. 29-59). Cambridge, UK: Intersentia. doi: 10.1017/9781839702709.005
Chapter in Book - Research
Journal - Research Article
Willis, E. (2023). Competition law reimagined? Competition studies in New Zealand. New Zealand Law Review, (2), 191-212.
Willis, E. (2023). Judging the minimum voting age. New Zealand Law Journal, (1), 17-19.
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Burton Crawford, L., Blayden, L., Meagher, D., Wilberg, H., & Willis, E. (2023, July). Protecting rights through statutory interpretation: Perspectives from the antipodes. Verbal presentation at the ICON·S Conference: Islands and Ocean: Public Law in a Plural World, Wellington, New Zealand.
Chapter in Book - Research
Willis, E., & Wilberg, H. (2022). Introduction. In S. Bookman, E. Willis, H. Wilberg & M. Harris (Eds.), Pragmatism, principle, and power in common law constitutional systems: Essays in honour of Bruce Harris. (pp. 1-10). Cambridge, UK: Intersentia. doi: 10.1017/9781839702709.003
Willis, E. (2022). Constitutional pragmatism and 'third source' executive authority. In S. Bookman, E. Willis, H. Wilberg & M. Harris (Eds.), Pragmatism, principle, and power in common law constitutional systems: Essays in honour of Bruce Harris. (pp. 29-59). Cambridge, UK: Intersentia. doi: 10.1017/9781839702709.005
Journal - Research Article
Willis, E. (2022). Unwritten constitutionalism: Stability without entrenchment. Public Law, 3, 386-405. doi: 10.3316/agispt.20220620069050
Willis, E., & Millington, L. (2022). Competition law and non-economic considerations: The particular case of democracy. Journal of International & Comparative Law, 9(1), 51-74.
Journal - Research Article
Willis, E. (2021). The systemic nature of convention and its implications for judicial enforcement. Public Law Review, 32(2), 149-165.
Willis, E. (2021). D v New Zealand Police: A comment on rights-consistent statutory interpretation in New Zealand. Public Law Review, 32(3), 190-194.
Journal - Research Other
Willis, E. (2021). [Review of the book Constitutional idolatry and democracy: Challenging the infatuation with writtenness]. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 19, 1177-1181. doi: 10.1093/icon/moab086
Journal - Research Article
Willis, E. (2019). The Treaty of Waitangi: Narrative, tension, constitutional reform. New Zealand Law Review, (2), 185-214.
Journal - Research Article
Willis, E. (2018). [Review of the book Political jurisprudence]. Public Law Review, 29, 173-175.
Willis, E. (2018). Political constitutionalism: The "critical morality" of constitutional politics. New Zealand Universities Law Review, 28(2), 237-259.
Journal - Research Article
Willis, E., & Blair, A. (2017). Reprieve for statutory reference to the rule of law. New Zealand Law Journal, 2, 44-45.
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Willis, E. (2016). Differences between written and unwritten constitutions. Law Talk, 901, 26-27.
Journal - Research Article
Blair, A., & Willis, E. (2015). Legislative reference to the rule of law. New Zealand Law Journal, 7, 251-252.
Awarded Doctoral Degree
Willis, E. (2015). Unwritten constitutionalism: A study of the principles and structures that inform New Zealand's distinctively unwritten constitution (PhD). University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/2292/26839
Journal - Research Article
Willis, E. (2014). Limits on constitutional authority. Waikato Law Review, 22, 87-116.
Willis, E. (2014). Constitutional authority: Legitimising the exercise of public power in New Zealand. New Zealand Law Review, 2, 265-302.
Journal - Research Article
Willis, E. (2013). PPPs and public law. New Zealand Law Journal, 10, 380-383.
Working Paper; Discussion Paper; Technical Report
Willis, E. (2013). The Commerce Commission v Air New Zealand [2011] NZCA 64 [New Zealand Centre for Human Rights Law, Policy & Practice Working Papers Series: Freedom of Expression]. Auckland, New Zealand: University of Auckland Law School.
Journal - Research Article
Willis, E. (2012). Retail market intervention and the evolution of economic regulation. New Zealand Business Law Quarterly, 18(2), 127-146.
Willis, E. (2012). On regulatory uncertainty. New Zealand Law Journal, 7, 232-234.
Journal - Research Article
Willis, E. (2011). Agenda-driven interpretation. New Zealand Law Journal, 1, 25-26.
Willis, E. (2011). Judicial review and deference. New Zealand Law Journal, 8, 283-284.
Journal - Research Article
Willis, E. (2010). Legal recognition of rights derived from the Treaty of Waitangi. New Zealand Journal of Public & International Law, 8(2), 217-237.
Willis, E. (2010). The interpretation of environmental legislation in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law, 14, 135-160.