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Master of Science

Lamont, Brad August 2021 The effect of chronic and acute exposure of chemical alarm cues on Triplefin embryo physiology and post-hatch behaviour
Larivière, Fanny March 2001 Sperm Whale Habitat off Kaikoura, New Zealand. A Descriptive Study Of Physical And Biological Processes Influencing Sperm Whale Distribution. (Environmental Science)
Law, Rachel April 1995 A comparative study of reproduction, growth, ageing and regeneration in three species of tropical Indo-West Pacific brittle stars (Ophiocoma scolopendrina, Ophiocoma erinaceus and Macrophiothrix longipeda
Leahy, Eugene 2019 Population biology, expansion and harvestability of the invasive Undaria pinnatifida in southern New Zealand
Leduc, Daniel June 2004 Contribution of the seagrass Zostera capricorni to the diet of macroinvertebrates: a study using multiple isotope ratio analysis
Leslie, Alison Margaret January 2006 The effects of depth and exposure on sediment composition below mussel farms
Leunissen, Eva 2017 Underwater noise from pile-driving and its impact on Hector's dolphins in Lyttleton Harbour, New Zealand
Lewis, Anna February 2008 Connectivity of sea perch (Helicolenus percoides) populations in southern New Zealand
Lewis, Rob 2019 Population demographics of sevengill sharks (Notorynchus cepedianus) in Paterson Inlet, Stewart Island
Lilley, Callum April 2001 Growth heterogeneity in Haliotis iris: The Effects of size-grading, stocking density and food availability on abalone growth rates
Linwood, Megan December 1993 Trace metals in Mytilus edulis from coastal areas of the South Island of New Zealand
Lister, Kathryn April 2009 Oxidative damage and antioxidant defense in Antarctic and non-Antarctic sea urchin embryos in response to UV-B radiation
Lorange, Astrid Preliminary Assessments of the Power Potential from in-stream tidal turbines placed in channels around the UK.
Loveridge, Craig March 1998 Marine environmental studies along the Oamaru coastline
Ludmerer, Amy J December 2002 New Zealand sea lions (Phocarctos hookeri): abundance estimates and habitat utilization on the Otago Peninsula with preliminary diet composition study at North Otago
Lusseau, Susan March 2003 Diet of bottlenose dolphins in Doubtful Sound, New Zealand; Evidence from stable carbon and nitrogen isotype analysis

Doctorate of Philosophy

Lagos, Paulo F December 2022 Investigating the response of the krill Nyctiphanes australis (Euphausiacea) to stress caused by environmental change: a dynamic energy budget approach
Lamare, Miles May 1997 Population biology, pre-settlement processes and recruitment in the New Zealand sea urchin, Evechinus chloroticus Valenciennes (Echinoidea: Echinometridae)
Le, Duong Minh December 2022 Giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera), a case study in New Zealand: Its vulnerability and adaptation strategy
Leduc, Daniel June 2008 The ecology and taxonomy of meiofauna at Papanui Inlet, with particular emphasis on nematodes
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