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(MSc(Canterbury), PhD (Edinburgh)

Senior LecturerGeneric Silhouette

Office: Science III, room 216
Te: +64 3 479 7781


I am a senior lecturer in pure mathematics in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Otago. I arrived in Otago in 2018, after having spent time as a postdoc at the University of Bielefeld, Johns Hopkins University, and Imperial College London.

For a list of my recent preprints, please see

For further details on my research and teaching, please see my personal website

Teaching responsibilities

My teaching responsibilities include:

  • MATH 140 Fundamentals of Modern Mathematics 2
  • MATH 201 Real Analysis
  • MATH 4MI Meaaure and Integration
  • MATH 4MF Mathematical Finance

Research Interests

My research lies in the general areas of partial differential equations and harmonic analysis. I am particularly interested in understanding the global dynamics of solutions to nonlinear dispersive partial differential equations (typically nonlinear models arising in mathematical physics such as the Dirac equation, Wave maps equations, and the Maxwell-Klein-Gordon equation among others). A key goal is to prove that for large times solutions to nonlinear problems can decouple into a linear or dispersive term, and terms exhibiting nonlinear effects such as focusing/blow-up or soliton like behaviour.

I am also interested in restriction estimates, and in particular, on bilinear and multilinear restriction estimates. These estimates are closely related to estimates for linear dispersive equations (known as Strichartz estimates), and are a key tool in the study of nonlinear dispersive equations.


Candy, T. (2023). Concentration compactness for the energy critical Zakharov system. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems. Advance online publication. doi: 10.3934/dcds.2023150 Journal - Research Article

Candy, T., Herr, S., & Nakanishi, K. (2023). The Zakharov system in dimension d ≥ 4. Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 25, 3177-3228. doi: 10.4171/JEMS/1212 Journal - Research Article

Candy, T., Herr, S., & Nakanishi, K. (2021). Global wellposedness for the energy-critical Zakharov system below the ground state. Advances in Mathematics, 384, 107746. doi: 10.1016/j.aim.2021.107746 Journal - Research Article

Candy, T. (2019, April). Dispersive PDE and the restriction problem. Mathematics Seminar Series, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Department Seminar]. Other Research Output

Candy, T. (2019). Multi-scale bilinear restriction estimates for general phases. Mathematische Annalen, 375, 777-843. doi: 10.1007/s00208-019-01841-4 Journal - Research Article

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