Journal - Research Article
Walker, E., Jowett, T., Whaanga, H., & Wehi, P. M. (2024). Cultural stewardship in urban spaces: Reviving Indigenous knowledge for the restoration of nature. People & Nature. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1002/pan3.10683
Li, C., Bremer, P., Jowett, T., Lee, M. S. W., Parker, K., Gaugler, E. C., & Mirosa, M. (2024). What influences consumer food waste behaviour when ordering food online? An application of the extended theory of planned behaviour. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 10(1), 2330728. doi: 10.1080/23311932.2024.2330728
Fenton, K. F., Salmond, N. H., Foreman, S. E., Curtis, J. S., Jowett, T., Savage, C., & Wing, S. R. (2024). High densities of large tuaki, the New Zealand cockle Austrovenus stutchburyi, provide a post-settlement predation refuge for conspecific juveniles. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 726, 85-98. doi: 10.3354/meps14466
Journal - Research Article
Smith, N. B., Jowett, T., Yu, D., Pahl, E., & Garden, A. L. (2023). Comparison of taboo search methods for atomic cluster global optimization with a basin-hopping algorithm. Journal of Chemical Information & Modeling. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1021/acs.jcim.3c00526
Reader, K. L., John-McHaffie, S., Zellhuber-McMillan, S., Jowett, T., Mottershead, D. G., Cunliffe, H. E., & Gold, E. J. (2023). Activin B and activin C have opposing effects on prostate cancer progression and cell growth. Cancers, 15, 147. doi: 10.3390/cancers15010147
Heldsinger, M., Hepburn, C., Jowett, T., & Rayment, W. (2023). Small marine reserves provide conservation benefits for coastal sharks in southern New Zealand. Aquatic Conservation, 33, 144-159. doi: 10.1002/aqc.3911
Mungure, T. E., Farouk, M. M., Carne, A., Staincliffe, M., Stewart, I., Jowett, T., … Bekhit, A. E.-D. A. (2023). Understanding the influence of PEF treatment on minerals and lipid oxidation of wet- and dry-aged venison M. longissimus dorsi muscle. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 83, 103238. doi: 10.1016/j.ifset.2022.103238
van Galen, L. G., Lord, J. M., Orlovich, D. A., Jowett, T., & Larcombe, M. J. (2023). Barriers to seedling establishment in grasslands: Implications for Nothofagus forest restoration and migration. Journal of Applied Ecology, 60, 291-304. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.14331
Wehi, P. M., Rogers, K. M., Jowett, T., & Sabadel, A. J. M. (2023). Interpreting past trophic ecology of a threatened alpine parrot, kea Nestor notabilis, from museum specimens. Journal of Animal Ecology, 92, 273-284. doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.13742
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Mungure, T. E., Farouk, M. M., Carne, A., Staincliffe, M., Stewart, I., Jowett, T., & Bekhit, A. E.-D. (2023, August). Impact of PEF treatment on the protein oxidative stability of wet and dry aged venison. Poster session presented at the 69th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (ICoMST), Padova, Italy.
Journal - Research Article
Fletcher, D., & Jowett, T. (2022). Single-fit bootstrapping: A simple alternative to the delta method. Methods in Ecology & Evolution, 13, 1358-1367. doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.13848
Nasrollahi, N., Jowett, T., & Machado, L. (2022). Emotional information processing in young and older adults: Meta-analysis reveals faces elicit distinct biases. European Journal of Ageing, 19, 369-379. doi: 10.1007/s10433-021-00676-w
Dos Santos, M. M., Griffiths, R. A., Jowett, T., & Bishop, P. J. (2022). Zoos and amphibian conservation: Evaluating the impact of “The Year of The Frog” campaign. Zoo Biology, 41, 226-233. doi: 10.1002/zoo.21660
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Adadi, P., Harris, A., Silcock, P., Bremer, P., Ganley, A., Jowett, T., Jeffs, A., & Eyres, G. (2022). Effects of sound applied during beer fermentation on yeast growth, fermentation duration, and volatile compounds. Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute of Food Science & Technology (NZIFST) Conference: Collaboration: Building New Zealand Inc. S16. Retrieved from http://www.nzifst.org.nz
Journal - Research Article
Shephard, K., Kalsoom, Q., Gupta, R., Probst, L., Gannon, P., Santhakumar, V., Ndukwe, I. G., & Jowett, T. (2021). Exploring the relationship between dispositions to think critically and sustainability concern in HESD. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 22(5), 1166-1185. doi: 10.1108/IJSHE-07-2020-0251
Adam, R. J., Hilton, M. J., Jowett, T., & Stephenson, W. J. (2021). The magnitude and frequency of storm surge in southern New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine & Freshwater Research, 55(2), 336-351. doi: 10.1080/00288330.2020.1764596
Journal - Research Article
Gulick, C. N., Peddie, M. C., Jowett, T., Hackney, A. C., & Rehrer, N. J. (2020). Exercise, dietary protein, and combined effect on IGF-1. International Journal of Science & Research Methodology, 16(3), 61-77. Retrieved from https://ijsrm.humanjournals.com/
Wakes, S., Dunn, L., Penty, D., Jowett, T., & Kitson, K. (2020). Is price an indicator of garment durability and longevity? Sustainability, 12(21), 1-13. doi: 10.3390/su12218906
Iwasaki, J. M., Barratt, B. I. P., Jandt, J. M., Jowett, T. W. D., Lord, J. M., Mercer, A. R., & Dickinson, K. J. M. (2020). Honey bees do not displace foraging bumble bees on nectar-rich artificial flowers. Apidologie, 51, 137-146. doi: 10.1007/s13592-019-00690-z
Bussey, M. D., Aldabe, D., Shemmell, J., & Jowett, T. (2020). Anticipatory postural control differs between low back pain and pelvic girdle pain patients in the absence of visual feedback. Human Movement Science, 69, 102529. doi: 10.1016/j.humov.2019.102529
Journal - Research Article
Dos Santos, M. M., Griffiths, R. A., Jowett, T., Rock, J., & Bishop, P. J. (2019). A comparison of understanding of the amphibian crisis by zoo visitors across three countries. Zoo Biology, 38, 471-480. doi: 10.1002/zoo.21516
Udy, J. A., Wing, S. R., Jowett, T., O'Connell-Milne, S. A., Durante, L. M., McMullin, R. M., & Kolodzey, S. (2019). Regional differences in kelp forest interaction chains are influenced by both diffuse and localized stressors. Ecosphere, 10(10), e02894. doi: 10.1002/ecs2.2894
Meerhoff, L. A., De Poel, H. J., Jowett, T. W. D., & Button, C. (2019). Walking with avatars: Gait-related visual information for following a virtual leader. Human Movement Science, 66, 173-185. doi: 10.1016/j.humov.2019.04.003
Van Amber, R., Laing, R. M., Wilson, C. A., Dunn, L. A., & Jowett, T. (2019). Effect of sock type on foot health. Textile Research Journal, 89(18), 3871-3881. doi: 10.1177/0040517518824848
Lovelock, B., Jellum, C., Carr, A., & Jowett, T. (2019). An exploration of commitment in nature-based recreation, and its relationship with participation and purchase behaviour. Annals of Leisure Research, 22(3), 373-394. doi: 10.1080/11745398.2018.1537853
Babaranti, O., Horn, S., Jowett, T., & Frew, R. (2019). Isotopic signatures in Mytilus galloprovincialis and Ulva latuca as bioindicators for assessing discharged sewage effluent in coastal waters along Otago Peninsula, New Zealand. Geology, Ecology & Landscapes, 3(1), 53-64. doi: 10.1080/24749508.2018.1485079
Strack, M., Shephard, K., Jowett, T., Mogford, S., Skeaff, S., & Mirosa, M. (2019). Monitoring surveying students' environmental attitudes as they experience higher education in New Zealand. Survey Review, 51(366), 257-264. doi: 10.1080/00396265.2017.1399526
Journal - Research Article
Iwasaki, J. M., Dickinson, K. J. M., Barratt, B. I. P., Mercer, A. R., Jowett, T. W. D., & Lord, J. M. (2018). Floral usage partitioning and competition between social (Apis mellifera, Bombus terrestris) and solitary bees in New Zealand: Niche partitioning via floral preferences? Austral Ecology, 43, 937-948. doi: 10.1111/aec.12643
Flannery, S. L., Jowett, T., Garvey, A., Cutfield, N. J., & Machado, L. (2018). Computerized testing in Parkinson's disease: Performance deficits in relation to standard clinical measures. Journal of Clinical & Experimental Neuropsychology, 40(10), 1062-1073. doi: 10.1080/13803395.2018.1485880
Jarvie, S., Jowett, T., Thompson, M. B., Seddon, P. J., & Cree, A. (2018). Effects of warm temperatures on metabolic rate and evaporative water loss in tuatara, a cool-climate Rhynchocephalian survivor. Physiological & Biochemical Zoology, 91(4), 950-966. doi: 10.1086/698495
Lentz, G., Connelly, S., Mirosa, M., & Jowett, T. (2018). Gauging attitudes and behaviours: Meat consumption and potential reduction. Appetite, 127, 230-241. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2018.04.015
Rayment, W., Webster, T., Brough, T., Jowett, T., & Dawson, S. (2018). Seen or heard? A comparison of visual and acoustic autonomous monitoring methods for investigating temporal variation in occurrence of southern right whales. Marine Biology, 165, 12. doi: 10.1007/s00227-017-3264-0
Innes, S., Shephard, K., Furnari, M., Harraway, J., Jowett, T., Lovelock, B., Strack, M., & Skeaff, S. (2018). Greening the curriculum to foster environmental literacy in tertiary students studying human nutrition. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition, 13(2), 192-204. doi: 10.1080/19320248.2016.1255693
Journal - Research Article
Meerhoff, L. A., De Poel, H. J., Jowett, T. W. D., & Button, C. (2017). Influence of gait mode and body orientation on following a walking avatar. Human Movement Science, 54, 377-387. doi: 10.1016/j.humov.2017.06.005
Journal - Research Article
Kethireddy, V., Oey, I., Jowett, T., & Bremer, P. (2016). Critical analysis of the maximum non inhibitory concentration (MNIC) method in quantifying sub-lethal injury in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells exposed to either thermal or pulsed electric field treatments. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 233, 73-80. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2016.06.008
Forsyth, B., Machado, L., Jowett, T., Jakobi, H., Garbe, K., Winter, H., & Glue, P. (2016). Effects of low dose ibogaine on subjective mood state and psychological performance. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 189, 10-13. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2016.05.022
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Dos Santos, M., Jowett, T., & Bishop, P. (2016, August). Using zoo collections for education: Are zoo visitors aware of amphibian declines? Verbal presentation at the 8th World Congress of Herpetology, Hanzhou, China.
Other Research Output
Jowett, T. (2016, July). Musings of a statistical consultant. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Department Seminar].
Journal - Research Article
Simmonds, B. M., McDowell, R. W., Condron, L. M., & Jowett, T. (2015). Potential phosphorus losses from organic and podzol soils: Prediction and the influence of soil physico-chemical properties and management. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 58(2), 170-180. doi: 10.1080/00288233.2014.988830
Shephard, K., Harraway, J., Lovelock, B., Mirosa, M., Skeaff, S., Slooten, L., Strack, M., Furnari, M., Jowett, T., & Deaker, L. (2015). Seeking learning outcomes appropriate for 'education for sustainable development' and for higher education. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 40(6), 855-866. doi: 10.1080/02602938.2015.1009871
Shephard, K., Harraway, J., Jowett, T., Lovelock, B., Skeaff, S., Slooten, L., Strack, M., & Furnari, M. (2015). Longitudinal analysis of the environmental attitudes of university students. Environmental Education Research, 21(6), 805-820. doi: 10.1080/13504622.2014.913126
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Dennis, S. J., Taylor, A. L., O'Neill, K., Clarke-Hill, W., Dynes, R. A., Cox, N., … Jowett, T. W. D. (2015). Pasture yield mapping: Why & how. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands, 77, (pp. 41-46). [Full Paper]
Journal - Research Article
Clarke, S. M., Henry, H. M., Dodds, K. G., Jowett, T. W. D., Manley, T. R., Anderson, R. M., & McEwan, J. C. (2014). A high throughput single nucleotide polymorphism multiplex assay for parentage assignment in New Zealand sheep. PLoS ONE, 9(4), e93392. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0093392
Jowett, T., Harraway, J., Lovelock, B., Skeaff, S., Slooten, L., Strack, M., & Shephard, K. (2014). Multinomial-regression modeling of the environmental attitudes of higher education students based on the Revised New Ecological Paradigm Scale. Journal of Environmental Education, 45(1), 1-15. doi: 10.1080/00958964.2013.783777
Shephard, K., Harraway, J., Lovelock, B., Skeaff, S., Slooten, L., Strack, M., Furnari, M., & Jowett, T. (2014). Is the environmental literacy of university students measurable? Environmental Education Research, 20(4), 476-495. doi: 10.1080/13504622.2013.816268
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Jowett, T., Bremner, G., Zeng, J., Lim, C., Cameron, C., Fletcher, D., & Haszard, J. (2014, August). How do you work? Invited presentation at the Box Plot II Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Strack, M., Jowett, T., Shephard, K., & Harraway, J. (2013). What impact do higher-education experiences have on the environmental attitudes of surveying students? New Zealand Surveyor, 302, 36-42.
Chapter in Book - Research
Shephard, K., Harraway, J., Lovelock, B., Skeaff, S., Slooten, L., Strack, M., & Jowett, T. (2012). Monitoring changes in the sustainability attributes of higher education students in a New Zealand university. In W. L. Filho (Ed.), Sustainable development at universities: New horizons. (pp. 117-126). Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang.
Journal - Research Article
Harraway, J., Broughton-Ansin, F., Deaker, L., Jowett, T., & Shephard, K. (2012). Exploring the use of the revised New Ecological Paradigm scale (NEP) to monitor the development of students' ecological worldviews. Journal of Environmental Education, 43(3), 177-191. doi: 10.1080/00958964.2011.634450
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Shephard, K., Harraway, J., Lovelock, B., Slooten, L., Skeaff, S., Strack, M., & Jowett, T. (2011). Monitoring changes in the environmental attitudes of higher education students. In K. Shephard, T. Harland & A. Cohen (Eds.), Proceedings of the Spotlight on Teaching and Learning Colloquium. (pp. 22). Dunedin, New Zealand: Higher Education Development Centre, University of Otago. [Abstract]