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Monday 8 March 2021 1:26pm

Newshub's Kaysha Brownlie talks with Dr Khoon Lim and Mr Jeremy Simcock about their research innovating a new fat grafting technique that can provide greater structural stability to autologous fat transfers, offering better contouring potential for reconstructive plastic surgery.

Dr Lim talks about the special chemistry that was developed in his research group, which when used to treat fat harvested from the patient and 'cured' by visible light, can provide firmer fat for reinjection into an area requiring reconstruction.

Mr Simcock, who is a senior lecturer in the University's Department of Surgery and a consultant plastic surgeon with the Canterbury District Health Board, talks about the advantages offered patients. Untreated fat is often reabsorbed into the body, requiring repeat surgeries. “We'd love to get it down to one operation, or even if we can get it down to one or two operations instead of three or four, that's a big difference for patients.”

Also involved in this research are Professor Tim Woodfield and Gretel Major (University of Otago, Christchurch) and Professor James Crowley (University of Otago, Dunedin).

The University of Otago recently recognised the promise the research offers by awarding it a Translational Research Grant and $50,000 funding, supporting its further development.

Watch the news item on Newhub's website

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