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Friday 17 December 2021 12:08pm

Joon Kim and Michael Perkinson in the CNE labTwo CNE members won prizes at this year's virtual Prize Forum of the Physiological Society of New Zealand (PSNZ).

The Forum, which typically is held at the Medical Sciences Congress in Queenstown each year, was moved to a virtual format in order to allow presenters from the whole country to participate.

PhD student Michael Perkinson (Colin Brown Lab, right in photo) presented his work on live recordings of Oxytocin neuron activity in mice when they are feeding their pups and was awarded the Mary Bullivant Speaker Prize.

Dr Joon Kim (Karl Iremonger Lab, left in photo) won the New and Emerging Researcher Prize which “recognizes outstanding investigators in the early stages of their career who have made meritorious contributions to the field of physiology.” Joon works on how stress neurons (CRH neurons) in the brain can influence and modulate anxiety states in mice.

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