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This years ceremony looked a little different under Alert Level 2 guidelines, but they definitely weren't any less exciting.

The Blues and Golds Awards are an annual event of significance in recognising sporting, cultural and community achievements. This years ceremony looked a little different under Alert Level 2 guidelines, but they definitely weren't any less exciting.

Adapting a highlight of the University calendar to meet social distancing requirements is no easy feat but Events Coordinator Bailey McLean says her team well and truly rose to the challenge.

“Sadly it couldn't go ahead as planned but we are excited to be able to give the students the opportunity to accept their awards in person, such a cool achievement!

“We had the students come and collect their awards throughout the day, take a photograph and collect a voucher and cookie. So sad this event could not be held in person, but we tried to still use elements from the award ceremony such as an amazing blue & gold photo wall and decorated cookies. The students will receive their photographs in an email the following day with a video package saying 'congratulations' from Acting Vice Chancellor and Radio Ones Music Director, Dave Borrie.”

The event recognises the significant successes of students across the board despite what has been a tumultuous year.

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Otago Malaysian Students Association recognised as Cultural Society of the Year.

2021 Blues and Golds Recipients

Sports Club of the Year
Otago University Tramping Club

Sports Club of the Year Runner up
Otago University Squash Club

Cultural Society of the Year
Otago Malaysian Students Association

Cultural Society of the Year Runner Up
Cultural Society of the Year Otago University Indian Students Association

Māori Sportsperson
Nick Parata - Hockey

Sportswoman of the Year
Laurel Hubbard - Weightlifting

Sportsman of the Year
Shay Veitch - Athletics

Society of the Year Otago
University Art Club

Highly Commended Society
Otago Disabled Students Association

Outstanding Member of the Dunedin Community
Stephen Jones

Outstanding Member of the Dunedin Community Equal Runner/s-Up
Caccia Armstrong and Carrie Wooller

Outstanding Member of the University Community
Lauren Dewhirst

Outstanding Contribution to Arts and Culture
Abhinath Berry

Cameron Moffitt (Athletics), Shay Veitch (Athletics), Harry Press (Rugby), Austin Carter (Triathlon), Kobe Miller (Rowing), Nick Parata (Hockey), Sean Withy (Rugby), Nathan Hastie (Rugby), Fabian Holland (Rugby), Sally Wylaars (Rowing), Rose Morton (Football), Emily Morison (Football), Oliver Fahey (Rowing), Lucy Thomsen (Badminton), James Glover (Rowing), Emma Black (Cricket), Dale Phillips (Cricket), Hunter Kindley (Cricket), Matthew Fisher (Cricket), Gemma Adams (Cricket), Saffron Wilson (Cricket), Harrison Biggs (Cricket), Lena de Ronde (Football), Kieran Mcgovern (Weightlifting), Olive Pearce (Surf Lifesaving), Marina Lamplough (Cricket), Noah Gregory (Ice Hockey), Claudia Kelly (Surf Lifesaving), Ben Harford (Ice Hockey), Zara Anthony Whigham (Ice Figure Skating), Katie Sewell (Ice Figure Skating), Brooke Davies (Aerobic Gymnastics), Katherine Hadler (Equestrian), Kasam Ali (Futsal), Ben O'Farrell (Futsal), Oban Hawkins (Futsal), Tim O'Farrell (Futsal)

Danielle Veenvliet (Dance), Abhinath Berry (Classical Music), Georgia Barclay (Debating), Josh Mackay (Debating), Joe Garry (Debating), Jordan Wichman (Performing Arts), Rose Stevenson (Performance Violin)

Silver Service
Michael Leach (Basketball), Matt Watson (Disc Golf), Josh Meikle (Debating), Matthew Laurenson (Squash), Lauren Dewhirst (Disabled Students Association), Bridget Thayer (Netball), Timothy Dawbin (Athletics), Lucy Williams (Society of Otago), Chris Hill Hockey (Umpiring)

Kōrero by Internal Communications Adviser, Chelsea McRae

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