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January 2020 Summer camp

Our 2020 Summer camp ran from 19–25 January with the usual packed programme of morning seminars, two-day projects, short electives, science communication workshops and free-time options.

Once again feedback from our end-of-week surveys was hearteningly positive, as exemplified by these students' feedback typical of the cohort overall.

“I really liked the freedom we had with our experiments. The teachers allowed us to have fun and trusted us which made it so much better.”“I liked that we got to actually see and experience the way the university works and what the subject that we chose are really about. But it was also in an interesting way that show us in such a short space of time some of the many possibilities that the given field can lead into.”“I really enjoyed that it was challenging and pushed me to understand new concepts in a practical manner.”“Thank you so much for this opportunity, it changed my mind about so much and I learned a lot.”“The teachers were very enthusiastic and tried their best to help us understand difficult conceptions.”“This whole trip has been the best experience of my life! I don't know how it could get any better.”
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