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Paper Code Year Title Points Teaching period
MAOR301 2025 He Whakarākai 18 Not offered in 2025
MAOR303 2025 Ngāi Tahu and the Natural World 18 Not offered in 2025
MAOR304 2025 Te Rōpū Whakamana i Te Tiriti - Waitangi Tribunal 18 Semester 1
MAOR306 2025 Ngā Pūkenga Tuhi 18 Semester 2
MAOR307 2025 Te Tūtakitanga o Ngā Ao e Rua 18 Not offered in 2025
MAOR308 2025 Ngā Hākinakina a Te Māori 18 Not offered in 2025
MAOR310 2025 Special Topic 18 Not offered in 2025
MAOR311 2025 Te Māhuri 1 18 Semester 1
MAOR312 2025 Te Māhuri 2 18 Semester 2
MAOR313 2025 Te Hiringa Taketake 18 Not offered in 2025
MAOR316 2025 Special Topic 18 Not offered in 2025
MAOR327 2025 Ngā Pakanga Nunui: New Zealand Wars 18 Semester 2
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