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Feel the exhilaration of moving, choreographing and performing

Dance at Otago offers you a unique opportunity to study dance as an art form. In a combination of theory and practice you will explore a diverse range of dance styles, and develop an understanding and critical appreciation of dance as a performative medium and creative expression within a variety of cultural contexts.

Our Dance programme will enhance your choreographic, performative and research skills and prepare you for a successful career as a dancer/performer, choreographer, researcher or dance educator.

Add a Dance paper to your degree

We offer papers in popular culture dance, contemporary dance and dance for musical theatre.

Dancer preforming in dance studio

Two dancers in studio

Add a Dance minor to your degree

Dance is also an optional minor subject for a range of degrees.

The minor in dance

Dance as part of the Bachelor of Performing Arts

Dance is available as part of the Bachelor of Performing Arts (BPA).

The Bachelor of Performing Arts (BPA)

Dance studio

The Caroline Plummer Fellowship in Community Dance

The Caroline Plummer Fellowship in Community Dance was established in 2003 and honours Caroline Plummer (1978-2003).

The annual fellowship is for six months (usually February until July), and is open to community dance practitioners, teachers and researches from New Zealand and overseas who have a proposed programme of activity, or project, that furthers Caroline's belief and aspirations for community dance in New Zealand.

The Caroline Plummer Fellowship in Community Dance

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