Before you enrol in a paper for non-Western performance options, you must email us with the details requested below.
Please copy and paste the text below into the email, deleting those options that don't apply to you, and adding in the other details needed.
Subject header: the name of your preferred instrument, i.e. Japanese Koto, Japanese Taiko, Taonga pūoro
Registration closing date: 20 December for study in the following year (though late applications will be considered).
Information needed in the email
Your name
Your first name and family name: e.g. Hoana Doe
Which instrument/s do you wish to study?
Options are sometimes subject to change depending on staffing, so if you are interested in more than one option, please rank your choices in order of preference.
- Japanese Taiko drumming
- Japanese Koto
- Taonga pūoro (traditional Māori musical instruments)
Which paper do you want to enrol in?
- MUSI 140 Performance Studies 1
- MUSI 240 Performance Studies 2 (prerequisite: MUSI 140, passed with a grade of at least C+)
- MUSI 340 Performance Studies 3 (prerequisite: MUSI 240 or MUSI 241 passed with a grade of at least B-)
Are you taking this paper for the whole year or for a semester?
- Full year
- Semester 1 only
- Semester 2 only
Provide a brief explanation for why you want to take this paper
Please provide a brief (no more than 200 words) explanation for why you want to take this paper, and outline any prior playing experience you have on this instrument / these instruments.