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MedSafety week 2023 thumbnail 650

06 Nov 2023

MedSafety Week

From 6 to 12 November 2023, Medsafe and other medicines regulators from around t...

07 Dec 2022

Postpartum diabetes testing low for women with gestational diabetes

Women with gestational diabetes are seven times more likely to develop type 2 di...

MedSafetyWeek thumbnail

07 Nov 2022

Med Safety Week

It's Med Safety Week. Watch the video to learn what to do if you experience side...

24 Aug 2021

Type 2 diabetes treatment pathways in New Zealand

A nationwide study by a medical student, Joyce Guo, and researchers from the Pha...

13 Aug 2021

Dual treatment increases risk of heart attack – study

People using two different inhalers for common chronic lung diseases are more th...

05 Aug 2021

Low adherence to diabetes medication concerning – Otago study

Groups who suffer the highest burden of type 2 diabetes have the lowest level of...

28 Jul 2021

Researchers receive funding to investigate use and safety of anti-nausea drug in pregnancy

Associate Professor Lianne Parkin and colleagues from the Pharmacoepidemiology R...

Lianne Parkin 2021 thumb

08 Jun 2021

What helps and hinders metformin adherence and persistence

University of Otago research into what helps and hinders people with type 2 diab...

19 May 2021

Study tracks antidepressant use during pregnancy

Almost half of New Zealand women who take antidepressants in the months before g...

09 Feb 2021

The Science of Medicines – a programme for tamariki

NTMHRU, medicine, science, tamariki

27 Jan 2021

Long-acting bronchodilator use by patients with chronic lung disease and risk of acute coronary syndrome in real-world clinical practice

The use of two long-acting bronchodilator inhalers to treat chronic obstructive...

Simon Horsburgh thumbnail 2020

26 Nov 2020

Many Kiwis not taking cholesterol medication consistently

Many Kiwis not taking cholesterol medication consistently


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