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April / Āperira 2019

Message from the Dean


To date, this has been an exciting year, with the opening of our new Christchurch clinic in new premises in March.

A huge thank you to all staff for their effort in getting the clinic together and for arranging the wonderful opening event.

You can read more about this initiative in this edition of our newsletter.

Thanks also to Clinic staff who provided Physiotherapy care to support first responders and members of our Muslim community after the March 15th attacks in Christchurch.

We have welcomed a new cohort of students into the second year of study. I had the privilege to spend the day with our new cohort at Ōtākou Marae. Our thanks to the Ōtākou marae and the whānau who assisted Katrina Bryant (Kaiārahi Māori) and gifted us their taonga, time and knowledge.

As well as kick-starting a busy teaching year, many of our staff have continued to work on research projects. Staff have supported new graduate research students and helped existing PhD students with the final parts of their projects. On that note, congratulations to both Donald Manlapaz and Abdullah Alqarni on the submission of their PhDs for examination.

We have also welcomed Dr Daniela Aldabe as one of our permanent research staff. Dani will be teaching and researching in the area of neurorehabilitation.

A number of our staff will also be attending the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) Congress in May 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland. If you are planning to be there, we really look forward to seeing you.

If you would like to catch up with any of us at the Congress, please email us as soon as possible at:

Leigh Hale, Dean, School of Physiotherapy

Brand new Clinic opens in Christchurch

physio_we have moved CHCH 2019 graphic

The School of Physiotherapy Clinic in Christchurch has officially moved to brand new premises at 32 Oxford Terrace.

Our Christchurch team has been on quite a journey. From Barrington we transferred to a temporary home along Cambridge Terrace, and are thrilled to now be operating out of our new clinic.

The School of Physiotherapy Clinic in Christchurch is right at home in the heart of the city's Health Precinct not far from the Avon river.

Read more about the new Christchurch Clinic

Meet the staff

physio_DanielaAldabe thumbnail. 2019.We are delighted that Dr Daniela Aldabe joined us at the School earlier this year as a Lecturer.

Hailing originally from Brazil, Daniela completed her doctorate at Otago in pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain.

You can read a brief outline of Daniela's academic and research work here

Student stories

A new and significant ceremony took place on Friday March 8 in Dunedin.

physio_badge ceremony leigh hale and student presentation 2019Second-year School of Physiotherapy students received their clinical name badge in a special ceremony – heralding a new tradition created to highlight the additional professional responsibilities our students face as they enter the clinical education phase of their studies.

School of Physiotherapy alumnus and All Black's physiotherapist Pete Gallagher spoke at the ceremony.

Get the full report here

Research highlights

Groundbreaking research underway

Otago Alumnae Dr Hilda Mulligan and Dr Mandy Wilkinson are health researchers at the University of Otago, School of Physiotherapy in Christchurch.

Their recent work explores the importance of social connection for health and well-being for people with long-term health conditions.

We spoke to them recently about this important and timely work

Abdullah Alqarni reaches significant study goal

We are proud to announce that Abdullah Alqarni submitted his PhD thesis recently.

Abdullah's thesis is entitled “Knowledge translation of clinical assessment of pain mechanisms into clinical practice”

Alumni stories

Martin Chadwick

physio_Martin Chadwick 2109 418Collaborative ways of working are second nature for most physiotherapists.

The profession may now be ideally placed to improve the health of more New Zealanders by helping to develop cross-disciplinary teams.

Otago graduate and physioDr Martin Chadwick now works at national and international levels developing policies and building connections to improve healthcare for more New Zealanders.

Find out more about Martin's groundbreaking work

History notes

Physio Class of 1969 together again

Otago graduates from 50 years ago met at the School in April. They made special note of improved clinical teaching and research activity at the School.

Flatmates, and friends forever

physio_ class of 61 flat reunion at bacchus 2019 226A lively group of alumnae from the Otago physiotherapy Class of 1961 got together in Dunedin recently to share some stories and laughs.

"In early February this year five of us who graduated in 1961 met in Dunedin for old times' sake and reminiscence. It was a very pleasant weekend with lots of memories shared...."

Follow this link to read about (some of) what went on

Class of 1994 reunion soon

August 9th -11th 2019

If you (or someone you know) graduated from the School in 1994 please get in touch to register your interest on the Facebook group 'Class of 1994 physio reunion'

Please contact Nicola Snow (Newlands) at:


Emile Vollenhoven


physio_emile v 2019 418On January 22, 2019, School of Physiotherapy honours graduate Emile Vollenhoven died in a mountain biking accident in Bolivia.

At the time of his accident, he was travelling in South America with his partner.

Emile graduated in 2016 and was a much loved and respected member of his cohort.

Classmate and friend Thomas Wardhaugh tells us about Emile's life, and work as a physiotherapist

Keep in touch

As University of Otago and School of Physiotherapy alumni – you belong to a rich and diverse world wide community.

Stay connected to continue a rewarding relationship with your University, your fellow Otago alumni and the School.

Planning an event or organising a class reunion? We can offer help, and encouragement with logistics and planning.

If you would like to receive regular news from alumni, ensure your contact details are up to date by contacting the alumni office at this address

You can follow the School of Physiotherapy on Twitter here: @physiOtago

Follow research activity at the School on Twitter here: @OtagoCHARR

Please do keep in touch.


Lawrence, R. (2005). Branding terroir in the ′New World′: Modes of representation in the wine industry. In P. Sorrell, C. Ozcan, E. Kocabiyik & Z. T. Ultav (Eds.), Proceedings of the IST Product and Service Design Symposium and Exhibition on Agricultural Industries. Izmir, Turkey: Izmir University of Economics. [Full Paper] Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper

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