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Thesis title

Exploring physiotherapists' perspective of recruitment and retention within Te Whatu Ora

Area of study

Physiotherapy workforce


Associate Professor Meredith Perry (Primary supervisor)
Dr Miranda Buhler
Mr Ulima Tofi

Educational background

2016 Masters of Health Sceince (First Class Hons), AUT
1999 BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy, Glasgow Caledonian University


University of Otago Doctoral Scholarship

Why did you choose Otago Physio?

Having completed my Masters as a distant student, I had an idea of what an extended challenge of a PhD might involve. I realised that for me, having a close connection with my supervisors was going to be important. Living in Wellington, Otago's local campus offers me exactly what I was looking for- expertise, passion and local support.

Best things about study

I love problem solving. Post graduate study has without a doubt helped shape how I identify and analyse problems. Studying isn't just for academia, I'm learning practical skills that are helping me develop and grow as a physiotherapist.

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