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Caregivers, carers, and support workers  in the aged care sector symposium

7 June
Time: 1 -5
Room 1.02, School of Physiotherapy, University of Otago / available via zoom  Zoom

Support workers and caregivers are critical to supporting older adults with cognitive decline (i.e. dementia, stroke). This event is an opportunity to hear from teams researching and working in the area, and to have an opportunity to feedback into the future direction of support worker and caregiver research.

Programme - videos of the presentations

A series of short presentations:

The carers' experience

Valuing those supporting people living with cognitive decline - Leigh Hale

Dementia Care in Otago: caring for carers - Yoram Barak

Elevated levels of depression and anxiety in a sample of carers - Nicola Swain

Resources to support care

Why do people seek a diagnosis for Mild Cognitive Impairment? - Pauline Norris

Kaiawhina Workforce - Esther Chaderopa

Developing an interactive website resource: a space to share stories and strategies for people experiencing changes to their memory and thinking - Nicola Kayes

3 Afternoon tea and networking

3.30 - 4          Connecting and communicating with someone with dementia – Stephen Reay and Nicola Kayes

Ronja Kemnitz, a design student based within the Good Health Design research team at Auckland University of Technology, has designed a set of cards to support people in connecting and communicating with persons with dementia.

This will be an interactive session where we will invite attendees to share their perspectives on the cards, including the extent to which they may or may not be of value and how they envisage they could be used by persons with dementia, their families, and the organisations that support them.

4 - 5 What next?  Workshops to think about the next steps for research and support

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