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Space Physics Group

The Department of Physics polar researchers includes the Space Physics group who study the nature of the upper atmosphere and near-Earth space with a focus on the linkages between the radiation belts, polar atmosphere and climate. The group undertakes experimental work in Antarctica, analysis of satellite-collected datasets, and global climate modelling.

Research topics include measurements and modelling of upper atmospheric chemistry and conductivity, radiation belt variation and losses, mesospheric ozone variability, solar flares, solar proton events, lightning location, and space weather.

Space Physics Group webpage

Atmosphere and Climate Group

The Atmosphere and Climate research group at the Physics department studies how changes in solar inputs, particularly in the form of energetic charged particles, (the solar wind), change the chemical balance of the atmosphere, and how this then influences atmospheric wind and temperature patterns. We use ground-based and satellite observations of the atmosphere and space together with atmospheric and climate modelling to better understand the processes that couple the chemical-dynamical changes resulting from solar and magnetospheric forcing to changes in regional climate.

Atmosphere and Climate Group webpage


Department of Physics

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