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    The paper offers an introduction to the content, world and key themes of the Old and New Testaments. It is designed to enable students to use what they learn so that they can deliver the National Religious Education Programme in Schools.

    About this paper

    Paper title Special Topic: The Bible in Religious Education
    Subject Biblical Studies
    EFTS 0.15
    Points 18 points
    Teaching period Not offered in 2024, expected to be offered in 2026 (Distance learning)
    Domestic Tuition Fees ( NZD ) $981.75
    International Tuition Fees Tuition Fees for international students are elsewhere on this website.
    36 100-level points
    BIBX 215
    Schedule C
    Arts and Music, Theology
    This paper is primarily for students taking the Catechetical Studies Programme through the College of Education, or school teachers. Other students must contact the Department before enrolling.

    This paper is primarily for students taking the Catechetical Studies Programme through the College of Education or school teachers. Other students must contact the Theology Programme before enrolling.


    Professor Paul Trebilco:

    Teaching staff
    Course Co-ordinator: Professor Paul Trebilco
    Lecturer: Dr Gillian Townsley
    Paper Structure

    The paper is divided into twelve modules that cover the content, background and key themes of both the Old and the New Testaments. It also enables students to apply this learning to the National Religious Education Programme in Schools.


    • Creative assignment - Old Testament (15%)
    • Creative assignment - New Testament (15% and 5%)
    • Critical Reflections (25%)
    • A two-hour exam (40%)
    Teaching Arrangements

    Campus: one two-hour lecture per week.

    Distance: one one-hour videoconference and four two-hour videoconferences spaced throughout the semester.


    J. L. Sumney, The Bible - An Introduction, second edition (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2010).

    Course outline

    View the latest on-campus course outline for BIBS 215

    View the latest distance course outline for BIBS 215

    Graduate Attributes Emphasised
    Lifelong learning, Critical thinking.
    View more information about Otago's graduate attributes.
    Learning Outcomes
    When you complete the paper you will be able to:
    • Explain key themes of the Old and New Testaments
    • Explain key events, dates, names and places associated with the Old and New Testaments
    • Recognise and interpret various kinds of literature in the Bible
    • Interpret particular passages from the Bible using critical methods
    • Relate all the material covered in the paper to the Religious Education Curriculum in schools


    Not offered in 2024, expected to be offered in 2026

    Teaching method
    This paper is taught through Distance Learning
    Learning management system


    The paper offers an introduction to the content, world and key themes of the Old and New Testaments. It is designed to enable students to use what they learn so that they can deliver the National Religious Education Programme in Schools.

    About this paper

    Paper title Special Topic: The Bible in Religious Education
    Subject Biblical Studies
    EFTS 0.15
    Points 18 points
    Teaching period Not offered in 2025, expected to be offered in 2026 (On campus)
    Domestic Tuition Fees Tuition Fees for 2025 have not yet been set
    International Tuition Fees Tuition Fees for international students are elsewhere on this website.
    36 100-level points
    BIBX 215
    Schedule C
    Arts and Music, Theology
    This paper is primarily for students taking the Catechetical Studies Programme through the College of Education, or school teachers. Other students must contact the Department before enrolling.

    This paper is primarily for students taking the Catechetical Studies Programme through the College of Education or school teachers. Other students must contact the Theology Programme before enrolling.


    Professor Paul Trebilco:

    Teaching staff
    Course Co-ordinator: Professor Paul Trebilco
    Lecturer: Dr Gillian Townsley
    Paper Structure

    The paper is divided into twelve modules that cover the content, background and key themes of both the Old and the New Testaments. It also enables students to apply this learning to the National Religious Education Programme in Schools.

    Teaching Arrangements

    Campus: one two-hour lecture per week.

    Distance: one one-hour videoconference and four two-hour videoconferences spaced throughout the semester.


    J. L. Sumney, The Bible - An Introduction, second edition (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2010).

    Course outline

    View the latest on-campus course outline for BIBS 215

    Graduate Attributes Emphasised
    Lifelong learning, Critical thinking.
    View more information about Otago's graduate attributes.
    Learning Outcomes
    When you complete the paper you will be able to:
    • Explain key themes of the Old and New Testaments
    • Explain key events, dates, names and places associated with the Old and New Testaments
    • Recognise and interpret various kinds of literature in the Bible
    • Interpret particular passages from the Bible using critical methods
    • Relate all the material covered in the paper to the Religious Education Curriculum in schools
    Assessment details
    • Creative assignment - Old Testament (15%)
    • Creative assignment - New Testament (15% and 5%)
    • Critical Reflections (25%)
    • A two-hour exam (40%)


    Not offered in 2025, expected to be offered in 2026

    Teaching method
    This paper is taught On Campus
    Learning management system
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