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    A supervised research dissertation of up to 20,000 words on an approved topic.

    This paper is a required component of the coursework option for the MA in Philosophy and can be started either in the first semester or second semester.

    About this paper

    Paper title Research Dissertation
    Subject Philosophy
    EFTS 0.5
    Points 60 points
    Teaching period(s) 1st Non standard period (1 March 2024 - 21 February 2025) (On campus)
    2nd Non standard period (12 July 2024 - 4 July 2025) (On campus)
    Domestic Tuition Fees ( NZD ) $4,446.50
    International Tuition Fees Tuition Fees for international students are elsewhere on this website.
    Limited to

    Available to students admitted to the Philosophy programme in the coursework option for the Master of Arts.


    Professor Alex Miller (Philosophy postgrad co-ordinator)

    Teaching staff

    Professor Alex Miller (Philosophy postgrad co-ordinator)

    Teaching Arrangements
    Individual supervision
    There is no set textbook.
    Graduate Attributes Emphasised
    Scholarship, Self-motivation, Information Literacy, Research, Communication, Critical Thinking, Ethics, Interdisciplinary Perspective, Global Perspective, Lifelong Learning, Cultural Understanding, Teamwork, Environmental Literacy.
    View more information about Otago's graduate attributes.
    Learning Outcomes

    Students successfully completing the paper will be able to demonstrate an:

    1. Ability to design and develop a coherent and appropriate research question that draws on the philosophical, methodological and theoretical knowledge of their chosen discipline (Scholarship, Self-motivation)
    2. Ability to apply appropriate and specific skills in acquiring, organising, analysing and evaluating information in their chosen discipline; to organise and configure that research; and report it in written scholarly forms (Information Literacy, Research, Communication)
    3. Ability to consider and evaluate their research in an analytical and logical fashion; to engage in the highest scholarly ethical standards; to question and challenge conventional assumptions; and to approach their research with flexibility, adaptability and creativity (Critical Thinking, Ethics)
    4. Intellectual openness and curiosity and an awareness of the limits of current knowledge in their chosen field as well as the links amongst disciplines (Interdisciplinary Perspective)
    5. Understanding of how their research relates to society and, where appropriate, use their research to contribute to wider society, whether within or outside New Zealand, and, where appropriate, to the environment and Māori aspirations (Global Perspective, Lifelong Learning, Cultural Understanding, Environmental Literacy)


    1st Non standard period (1 March 2024 - 21 February 2025)

    Teaching method
    This paper is taught On Campus
    Learning management system

    2nd Non standard period (12 July 2024 - 4 July 2025)

    Teaching method
    This paper is taught On Campus
    Learning management system


    A supervised research dissertation of up to 20,000 words on an approved topic.

    This paper is a required component of the coursework option for the MA in Philosophy and can be started either in the first semester or second semester.

    About this paper

    Paper title Research Dissertation
    Subject Philosophy
    EFTS 0.5
    Points 60 points
    Teaching period(s) 1st Non standard period (28 February 2025 - 20 February 2026) (On campus)
    2nd Non standard period (11 July 2025 - 3 July 2026) (On campus)
    Domestic Tuition Fees Tuition Fees for 2025 have not yet been set
    International Tuition Fees Tuition Fees for international students are elsewhere on this website.
    Limited to

    Available to students admitted to the Philosophy programme in the coursework option for the Master of Arts.


    Professor Alex Miller (Philosophy postgrad co-ordinator)

    Teaching staff

    Professor Alex Miller (Philosophy postgrad co-ordinator)

    Teaching Arrangements
    Individual supervision
    There is no set textbook.
    Graduate Attributes Emphasised
    Scholarship, Self-motivation, Information Literacy, Research, Communication, Critical Thinking, Ethics, Interdisciplinary Perspective, Global Perspective, Lifelong Learning, Cultural Understanding, Teamwork, Environmental Literacy.
    View more information about Otago's graduate attributes.
    Learning Outcomes

    Students successfully completing the paper will be able to demonstrate an:

    1. Ability to design and develop a coherent and appropriate research question that draws on the philosophical, methodological and theoretical knowledge of their chosen discipline (Scholarship, Self-motivation)
    2. Ability to apply appropriate and specific skills in acquiring, organising, analysing and evaluating information in their chosen discipline; to organise and configure that research; and report it in written scholarly forms (Information Literacy, Research, Communication)
    3. Ability to consider and evaluate their research in an analytical and logical fashion; to engage in the highest scholarly ethical standards; to question and challenge conventional assumptions; and to approach their research with flexibility, adaptability and creativity (Critical Thinking, Ethics)
    4. Intellectual openness and curiosity and an awareness of the limits of current knowledge in their chosen field as well as the links amongst disciplines (Interdisciplinary Perspective)
    5. Understanding of how their research relates to society and, where appropriate, use their research to contribute to wider society, whether within or outside New Zealand, and, where appropriate, to the environment and Māori aspirations (Global Perspective, Lifelong Learning, Cultural Understanding, Environmental Literacy)


    1st Non standard period (28 February 2025 - 20 February 2026)

    Teaching method
    This paper is taught On Campus
    Learning management system

    2nd Non standard period (11 July 2025 - 3 July 2026)

    Teaching method
    This paper is taught On Campus
    Learning management system
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