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Marica FrostMarica Frost
BA Politics, LLB

Marica Frost loved social studies at high school. “I was always really interested in foreign affairs, and studying Politics at the University of Otago was an extension of that.”

“I absolutely loved studying Politics at Otago. Every year there's such a variety of interesting papers that are so relevant and applicable, especially in today's political climate. It was always a struggle to choose which ones to study – I would have done them all if I could!

“The lecturers are world-class. They are really interested in you. They are so passionate and inspiring and teach in a way that's comprehensible to young people. They make you want to learn.”

“My studies were excellent preparation for my role as a Refugee and Protection Officer with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. The United Nations sets out the legal parameters for establishing whether an asylum seeker can be approved as a refugee. Part of my role involves assessing whether asylum seekers qualify under the UN definition and to establish the credibility of their claims. In order to do this we are required to investigate all relevant areas of the claim through interviewing and other investigative techniques.

“The role is the perfect fit for everything I studied and everything I am interested in. Studying politics at university provided me with such a broad understanding of various states, their people and different structures of governance.  Having this knowledge has been invaluable for my role as Refugee and Protection Officer as we see a range of claimants from all corners of the world.

“It can be challenging and stressful at times owing to the nature of some individuals' claims, but at the end of the day when you can approve someone and provide security for them and their family it is very rewarding.”

Marica's thoughts on the University of Otago? “I have also studied at other universities and I think that Otago is such an amazing university. It's the best in the country, hands-down.”

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