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Lemuela Osorio
Lemuela Osorio
Studying for a Master of Health Sciences

Lemuela Osirio is studying for a Master of Health Sciences endorsed in Nursing while working full-time in the Intensive Care Unit at Dunedin Hospital.

“Distance learning is such a great way to fulfil my goals without having to put my nursing career on hold. And I can still do the things that I love, such as travelling and hiking, while I'm studying.”

Lemuela qualified as a nurse in her home country of the Philippines. She moved to New Zealand to undertake postgraduate studies, finishing a postgraduate diploma in 2018.

“The University of Otago has enabled me to create a good balance between my professional and educational development. I am very proud to be part of this prestigious university, which embodies not just world-class education but also cultural diversity.

“I've also had the chance to meet other nursing professionals from different parts of New Zealand, and empower the nursing workforce to dream big and not give up on helping people and their families.”

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