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The School of Computing has a strong commitment to excellent teaching and research. A computer science degree opens up a wide range of interesting and well paid careers.

Our teaching

Our teaching covers a core computer science curriculum, with an emphasis on practical programming experience. Some of our staff have received OUSA teaching awards and nominations, and an Otago and a national tertiary teaching excellence award. Many of our graduates have gone on to become stars in various fields, such as making movies at Pixar (Ratatouille, Wall-E, Brave) and Weta, software for NASA's Mars rovers, working with cutting edge Artificial Intelligence company Soul Machines, and making computer games (like Halo).

Our research

Our research interests are wide and varied, with many collaborations with other departments and organisations (what have you got?). In the most recent government research evaluation exercise (PBRF), Otago was the highest scoring university in the computing field.

Service and outreach

Our staff are involved in a range of service and outreach projects, including code clubs for children, supporting robotics and programming in schools, supporting women in computer science, and projects in collaboration with iwi and rūnanga.

A summary of the history of computing at Otago

A brief summary of the history of computing at Otago, and the emergence of the Computer Science Department

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