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Bachelor of Physical Education (Honours), Master of Physical Education, PhD (Māori Studies and Physical Education)
Associate Professor, School of Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Sciences

2020 02 27 Anne-Marie Jackson Teaching Awards Image 1xTēnā koutou, Nō Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Whātua, Ngāti Kahu o Whangaroa me Ngāti Wai a Anne-Marie. He kairangahau Māori ia ki Te Koronga, ki Te Kura Parawhakawai.

Dr Anne-Marie Jackson's research into Māori health and well-being focuses on supporting the hopes and aspirations of Māori communities.

“Otago is a wonderful place to do this mahi. We are a well-connected campus with strong linkages to our communities; a place where whānau and whanaungatanga can flourish,” she says.

Anne-Marie, who is an Associate Professor in the School of Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Sciences, is passionate about addressing the health, social and environmental issues that affect the well-being of Māori communities. Her research focuses on how connections of wai (water), moana (ocean) and mātauranga (Māori knowledge) can have a positive impact on mauri ora (flourishing health).

Anne-Marie has forged relationships with coastal communities via the Coastal People: Southern Skies collaboration, which connects communities with world-leading, cross-discipline research to rebuild coastal ecosystems and those communities. She believes it is important for researchers to work hard and deliver on what they promise.

“It's important to provide what you do as a service. You form relationships, particularly when you are doing things for no reason other than to help people.”

She also strives to create opportunities for research that serves Māori communities by raising the profile of mātauranga Māori in the Division of Sciences, and was recognised for this work when she received the Te Kōpūnui Māori Research Award for community research in 2019.

Alongside Dr Hauiti Hakopa, she established Te Koronga, a graduate research excellence group, to grow Māori research excellence and praxis through undergraduate, into postgraduate study and beyond. She now leads this with Dr Chanel Phillips, the first doctoral graduate of Te Koronga.

Following the success of the group, Te Koronga also became a recognised University of Otago Research Theme, with a mission to advance Māori economic and cultural aspirations, to show a way forward for indigenous collaborations on an international stage, and to engage a diverse campus community with mātauranga Māori. Their work in Te Koronga was recognised in Nature, a world-leading journal.

Anne-Marie says a kaupapa Māori approach to teaching is especially important for Te Koronga.

“The building block of kaupapa Māori is ko wai koe (who you are) and nō hea koe (where you are from). To ground students in who they are, means I must have a deep knowing of who I am; my whānau, hapū and iwi worldview and tikanga. I am a scholar of my Ngāti Whātua, Ngāpuhi and Ngāti Kahu worldview, traditions, language and tikanga. I teach firmly from this lens and create opportunities for students to explore their own identity and worldview in all of my teaching.”


Oetzel, J. G., Zhang, Y., Nock, S., Meha, P., Huriwaka, H., Vercoe, M., … Rewi, P., … Jackson, A.-M., Perry, T., … Hokowhitu, B. (2023). Enhancing health outcomes for Māori elders through an intergenerational cultural exchange and physical activity programme: A cross-sectional baseline study [Brief research report]. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1307685. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1307685 Journal - Research Other

Nelson, J., Jackson, A.-M., Phillips, C., Poa, D., & Skelton, T. K. (2023). Te Papa Tākaro o te Tuakiri: The field of identity in Indigenous Māori rugby. Journal of Sport for Development, 11(1). Journal - Research Article

Phillips, C., & Jackson, A.-M. (2023). Waka, whanaungatanga and water safety: Using Indigenous knowledge to educate future aquatic educators about Māori water safety in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Journal of Sport for Development, 11(1). Retrieved from Journal - Research Article

Jackson, A.-M., Cunningham, C., Poa, D., Phillips, C., & Hapeta, J. (Eds.). (2023). MAI Journal, 12(1) [Special Issue: Tēnei tātou Te Koronga Māori research excellence] doi: 10.20507/MAIJournal.2023.12.1.10. [Guest Editors]. Other - Edited Journal

Hanara, B., Jackson, A.-M., & Hakopa, H. (2023). Te Āheinga Pū Reretahi: A foundational Māori perspective of the wairoro. MAI Journal, 12(1), 82-92. doi: 10.20507/MAIJournal.2023.12.1.8 Journal - Research Article

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