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fern ballResearch is an integral part of the programme with staff members and students spending significant time on research activities. All academic staff have active research programmes covering a wide range of interests.

We enjoy a strong relationship and supervisory role with graduate students who are undertaking research. Graduate students have the opportunity to carry out self-directed research work through both the MA and the PhD. PGDipSW students enrolled in the 490 papers will also carry out supervised research.

For further information about our research go to:

Māori Social Service and Professional Practice Research Team

This research group has been established to support the advancement and evaluation of Māori social work practice, Māori community development practice, Māori health and social service providers and Māori economic and social development.

For further information please contact:

STARlab: Systems Transformation Action Research Lab

Led by Social and Community Work Lecturer Dr Marissa Kaloga, STARlab is a community-engaged research lab that focuses on the role of social innovation and entrepreneurship in promoting social, economic, and environmental justice. We use an interdisciplinary approach drawing from systems science, design thinking, community development, and digital strategies. Our focus is on addressing social issues that disproportionately affect vulnerable and marginalized populations.

STARlab's current programme of research includes:

  • Inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystems
  • Migrant and refugee entrepreneurship
  • Infrastructure for social innovation
  • Women social entrepreneurs

STARlab bridges research and practice, developing knowledge with practical application. Contact us to learn more about our work, or to inquire about research partnerships, consultation, or post-graduate supervision.


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