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What is volunteering?

Volunteering in New Zealand typically refers to an unpaid activity that takes place through not for profit organisations or projects and is of benefit to the community and to the volunteer.

You volunteer your time because you want to, not because it is something you have been forced to do.

Can I volunteer in New Zealand on my student visa?

You are free to volunteer in New Zealand if you hold a student, visitor or work visa. However, Immigration New Zealand do state that you are not permitted to receive any gain or reward for your volunteering activity.

Join UniCrew Volunteers to start volunteering now. You must be first registered on OtagoCareerHub.

IMPORTANT: Many international students like to take part in WWOOFING (Williing Workers on Organic Farms) while in New Zealand. This is considered by Immigration New Zealand to be paid work so students wanting to WWOOF must hold a student visa with work rights or apply for a work visa.

Why would I volunteer?

As an international student, becoming a volunteer has many benefits to you:

  • An opportunity to explore Dunedin
  • A chance to engage with the local community and culture
  • Meeting new people
  • Practise your English skills (be aware that some volunteer roles require fluent English speaking ability)
  • Develop skills that contribute to your CV and enhance your future employability in New Zealand

What can I volunteer for?

There is a huge variety of UniCrew volunteer roles, so we can help find you something that suits your interests.

You can volunteer with a specific group of people such as the elderly, children or individuals with health problems. UniCrew volunteer roles also include environmental or conservation activities that get you outside and into the fresh air of Dunedin.

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