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Joe-Morrison-largeJoesph Morrison attended Feilding Agricultural High School before finally making his way to Otago to attend the School of Physical Education, gaining a Bachelor of Physical Education in 1993 and a Master of Physical Education in 1995. It's been a long journey from the Manawatu to a position at the head of one of New Zealand's most innovative hi-tech sports software companies, but Joe has taken that journey in his stride.

With a passion for biomechanics, Joe's Master's thesis concentrated on the development of a qualitative video analysis system, and after several years' hard work, the highly successful Siliconcoach was launched. Joe's initial idea had developed into a suite of software products designed to analyse motion and provide a basis for athletes, coaches, physical educators and sport scientists to discuss and improve athletic performance. The coaching tool provided by Siliconcoach is now used by the New Zealand Rugby Union, the English Cricket Board, the Australian Institute of Sport, Specialized Bicycle Components (USA) and many other elite international sporting organisations.

The award winning Siliconcoach, highly touted in New Zealand business circles, is now part of The Tarn Group, which provides innovative technology-based solutions across a range of markets and industries. Joe Morrison is the Executive Director and CEO of the Group.

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